
Creating An Animal Rights Site?

by  |  earlier

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i have been wanting to create an animal rights site for a long time now, something to make people aware of what some animals go through, animal news, im not sure, but something for animals.I have a name and a domain and hosting all i need is content. Could you please make some suggestions on what i can put on this site?





  1. Battery Farming

    Backyard breeders (puppies, kittens etc)

    Puppy Mills

    Animal abuse (keep a look out in the news, there's always something if you look/listen hard enough)

    Domestication of unsuitable animals (hedgehogs for example)

    People adopting baby lion cubs/snakes/lizards etc not realising how much responsibility they are and how big they get and dumping them

    Zoo's, I have no problem with zoo's as a concept, I understand their morals about preserving species and teaching the younger generations about animals and how to look after them, but it's cruel to make wild animals such as dolphins, seals, sea lions etc perform for an audience. Yes they're are natural entertainers, but in the wild do you see them jumping through hoops or balancing balls on their noses for fish? No they do it for enjoyment, that's what it should be about in zoo's and if zoo's insist on doing the shows, it shouldn't be to entertain it should be to educate. I wonder how many kids go away from the shows they see and think it's normal for a dolphin to let a human surf on it's back for fish or for a seal to balance a ball for a fish.

    Look at re-homing sites, maybe as well as all the bad stuff, you could have the good stuff, like my dog Flea a jrt x was abused for 8 years of his life, he was kept in a garage with a dog twice his size who was possessive over food so flea never got any food without a fight, they were let out for 1 hour a week tops and then he went to a wood green animal shelter and now he's been re-homed. Try and find the diamond in the rough once in a while to make your users smile and realise not everyone in the world is evil.

    Personally think the person that posted this question and two of the answerers (including best answer): should be locked up for animal cruelty, but who am I to judge but someone who picks up the pieces of their abuse?

    If you need any more idea's feel free to email me, I'll add some to here as I think of them.  

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