
Creating a Blog Community?

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So my family and I would like to create a blog or something similar where we can all post healthy recipes and review it. Let others know what we think and what we may substitute in the future to make it better. What is a good website where we can set up our own blogging community? I have checked out several but have yet to find one that is user friendly and still customizable the way we would want it to be.




  1. Yahoo! 360 - even with all it's glitches, it can do something that simple.

    Technically, if you have a Yahoo ID, then you already have 360. It's one of Yahoo's free services that involves social networking and combines many Yahoo! services into one area.  It stays dormant until you activate it. Check out an old press release that explains "What is Yahoo! 360?": .

    Everyone sets up their 360 space. Everyone connects to each other. Everyone makes their blog viewable and comment accessible by only their connected friends. Updates to the blogs show up on each other's "Home" pages. Everyone can comment on each other's blog entries that contains the recipes.

    Setting up a website is going to take too much time. Just use what's already available to you. If you want the recipes all on one blog, then set up a new Yahoo ID and share the login information amongst the group. Although, when posting comments, each person would have to identify themselves.

    I'm not sure what you mean by customizable, but you can create your own background, add multiple images, music, video to a 360 space. See my starred posts by clicking on my avatar and scrolling down to click on my "Starred Questions" tab, which explains how to do all of those things.


    l think there are many on the web search and it seems to go on and on, l think you need to keep looking and come up with one you like.

    Yahoo geocities is a nice personal web site  to build on. But there are more. even for beginners

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