
Creating a Community Service Form?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to finish 10 hours of community service and was told by the person running the program that they do not have a standard form to give me and that I would need to bring something for them to sign. What would need to be listed? Obviously the dates, times, and number of hours worked, and where it was done as well as contact info. Do I need to included the type of work that was done or anything like that? The court did not give me anything to have filled out so I am not sure what they want. I really want to do this right so that it looks proper.




  1. You should prepare it as you would a business letter and include all the items you have listed in your question; yes, including what you did. If you have Microsoft Word or Word Perfect there are templates available in the program.

  2. you should do it right and proper!

  3. "the dates, times, and number of hours worked, and where it was done as well as contact info."

    Indeed. So that means name of the organization, the name of a person that could be contacted to confirm the service, that person's title and that person's contact information.  There should be a signature by that person as well, affirming that they have seen this information and agree with what you have represented.

    "Do I need to included the type of work that was done"

    It wouldn't hurt.  

    You might also ask the organization(s) you helped to write a letter on their office stationary affirming the total number of hours you contributed and what you did. "This letter is to confirm that Susie Q. peformed xx volunteer hours at our organization, beginning on startdate and ending on enddate."

    Congrats on finishing your community service hours and meeting your obligations.

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