
Creating charts in Excel - Windows Vista?

by  |  earlier

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I am struggling to find my way around the windows vista version of excel.

I am wanting to make a simple bar chart. I have 3 columns of data, one i want to be x - axis and the other two the y-axis (in this case x creates the categories and y creates the frequencies).

However, I select the data, it puts all three as the y values and puts an arbitrary 1-30 as my x-axis. How do i change it so that i have the correct values as the x-axis?




  1. I assume you are using Excel 2007 - with a ribbon at the top instead of a menu bar.

    Hightlight data, Insert , 2D column- gives chart that you described. Move pointer inside plot area and right click, click select data.  Copy the chart data range - it will look something like  =Sheet1!$A$1:$C$5

    In the horizontal (catagory) axis label - click edit. and paste the chart data range into the dialog box - then change C to A so it reads like =Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5

    On the left side - ledgend entries (series) , click series 1 , click remove, click ok

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