
Creating good study habits?

by Guest32601  |  earlier

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My daughter is in 5th grade and has started to slack off in studying (aka not doing so for tests and because of this her grades are suffering). If she would so much as look at her notes she would know the answers to the test because the teacher creates test questions directly from the notes. I wanted to kind of propose a carrot and stick like program. I will allow my daughter to study however she wants but if she gets below a 75% then she is grownded for everyday she knew about the test (normally 5 days) on the otherside if she gets a 96% or above she can have a sleepover/ movie night with her friends. Would this help? How do you encourage your children to study?




  1. I like your idea.

    FlyLady ( ) suggests doing things 15 minutes at a time. She has a saying, "You can do anything for 15 minutes!"

    So insist that your daughter put in just 15 minutes of looking at her notes, say before TV or before dinner or before bed. Set a timer. Maybe she'll get into what she's studying and complete it, but start with 15 minutes of solid work every day. Then try two 15 minute sessions a night. That's half an hour of homework, which IMO is not too bad for a 5th grader. Make it non-negotiable, and sit with her if you need to.  

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