
Creation Vs evolution? Which one will win!?

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I know who I'm rooting for... God! In the beginning god... go to:

answers in genisis

case for the creator


the bible!




  1. Why is this a contest.  God is the creator and He created evoluion.

  2. It's not a contest.

    Literal creationism is not science, and therefore CANNOT be opposed to evolution.  Please take these questions to the R & S section, because they have no bearing on real science.

  3. Creation

  4. Evolution is winning until the scientific consensus changes and the consensus hasn't changed. Many scientists read the Bible, Case For A Creator, and visit, only to point out inconsistencies and errors.

    Who will win?

    Data supporting our common ancestry is continuously being gathered. Geology deciding that the earth is 6000 years old is very unlikely, as the consensus today among every geological society on the planet is that the earth is 4.6 billion years old, a long time allowing for evolution by common descent. Even Francis Collins, Christian and head of the Human Genome Project, believes in evolution (not just microevolution). Kenneth Miller, Christian and cell biologist, also believes in evolution. Francis Collins and Kenneth Miller aren't journalists such as Lee Strobel, but they are successful scientists who are very knowledgeable of biology.

  5. It's not a battle.  Creationism is usually from a religious context while evolution is a composite of scientific theory and physical evidence.  Although your question is based on fallacy, I think the best answer is a famous quote by Max Planck:  "A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."

  6. Well .. my first reaction is that this is a bit like asking us to predict "who will win the 1907 World Series?"   Sorry ... that game is *long* over ... and just as wishful thinking will not change the fact that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series in 1907, wishful thinking will not change the fact that Evolution has been the predominant theory of  Biology since the late 1800's!

    But my second reaction is that other people are right.

    It is a *FUNDAMENTAL MISTAKE* to think of this as a "contest."

    As long as you think that evolution is "anti-God", you will NEVER accept it, you will choose NEVER to understand it!   And as you realize that pretty much *ALL SCIENTISTS* in all fields of science, accept evolution, you will conclude that all scientists are anti-God.   And you have set youself down the path of distrusting and despising all science and all scientists!

    EVOLUTION IS *NOT* ANTI-GOD!   SCIENCE IS *NOT* ANTI-GOD!   Please don't go down the path of scientific ignorance!  Evolution is just our undertanding of the biological origins of our species, and all species ... just as reproduction is our understanding of the biological origins of all human beings, and all other life forms.   Just as there is no FUNDAMENTAL contradiction between the idea that God created you *personally*, and the fact that you are the result of human reproduction ... there is no FUNDAMENTAL contradiction between the idea that God created your species, and the fact that your species is the result of human evolution.

    Be very wary of answersingenesis and Lee Strobel (author of "Case for the Creator").  These are NOT scientists.  They have no real understanding of science.   They will give you nothing but BAD information about science.  They will turn you into a scientific illiterate with nothing but *contempt* for science.  

    And as far as the Bible ... it says NOTHING about evolution, pro or con.   Nothing.   It also says nothing about gravity or atoms or galaxies or cancer or kangaroos.   But that doesn't mean these things don't exist.

    Stop pitting science "against" God.  It forces you to either reject science, or reject God.  Either way, YOU lose!

    Pitting science "against" God is a lose-lose situation for *you*.

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