
Creation or evolution?

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im studying this in biology, and we are having a debate on this topic next week. ive made up my mind, but id like to know what YOUR personal views are.

much thanks in advance =]




  1. There is no debate.  To pretend there is one just shows how pathetic our education system has become.

    The reality is evolution.  The debate was settled over 150 years ago.  The evidence is overwhelming and the theory's predictive power has produced countless accurate results.

  2. Every creation will evolve

    Evolution doesn't create it changes what is already existing into something better or worse.

  3. If your in a biology class you shouldn't even be discussing creationism--it has no place in science.  There is no scientific evidence that suggests creationism is real.  In fact, you can't even scientifically test creationism (try and devise an experiment to test a creationist hypothesis).  In contrast, evolution has been observed and scientifically tested.

    Discussing this is biology classes is taking away from valuable time where you could be learning about how natural selection operates or other useful scientific methods.

  4. The evidence that evolution did and continues to occur is overwhelming.  Literally, the evidence for evolution fills libraries.

    Creationism/intelligent design is not supported by evidence.  It is a public relations campaign conducted by religious conservatives in an attempt to force their prejudices on the rest of society.  If creationists want to be accepted by scientists, all they have to do is to conduct scientific research that proves  their viewpoint and that can be reproduced by other scientists.  They are unable to do this (because the results of scientific research supports evolution), and instead,  they deceive the public by making false statements that are easily refuted.  

    Because they are unable to prove their point, creationists are creating an "artificial controversy," the same way that the tobacco companies tried to deny that smoking causes cancer and the bigots try to deny that the Holocaust occurred.

  5. evolution makes more sense to me :]


  6. I believe in both :)   I believe that there was Divine Intervention in the creation and population of the earth, yet I believe evolution was involved in the creation of living organisms.  

  7. Evolution is a scientifically valid theory. Goggle archeopteryx, it is a "flying reptile".  Creationism is an idea or a belief. Neither belief can be "proven".  Rather than thinking that one day some entity called God decided to make the world think about how many planets there are. If God made the earth then why is Earth the only planet in our solar system that has life? Why wouldn't God make many planets like Earth. Evolution makes sense because fossil evidence tracks how certain species change over time to be better suited to their environment.  If God made Earth then why would species change over time in response to the environmental changes? If you were God wouldn't you just make things perfect the first time?  

  8. Both are true.  In the beginning the universe was a chaotic mass of gases, which proves you cannot create something from nothing.  Proof that God follows the laws of physics.  Which adds more credibility to creationism.  Man is not supposed to eat dog because it is an unclean animal but when the genome of a dog was mapped they found it was very similar to mans.  Proof of God which further lends credibility to creationism.  The fact that evolution and survival of the fittest cannot explain everything such as man is a slow animal, and predators are fast, if man evolved through survival of the fittest then man had technology long before.  Man can live in the most hostile of places and has crossed the adriatic in primitive times.  There is just no reasoning as to how man has survived without God.  What does a dimple of the chin have to do with evolution?  Why would someone find it more attractive than not having one or vice versa?  Also to aid the belief of creationism, what is the purpose of a sabertooth cat?  Why would it have such long canine teeth?  Does this sound like a rational beneficial mutation?  I would like to also add that the importance of teaching creationism in biology is because of DNA and the ability to cut and paste DNA combinations.  There was a news story awhile back of genetically engineered plants that scientists created using animal and plant DNA.

  9. I cant believe your teacher is wasting time attempting to compare the two.  The vast majority of science teachers wont waste time discussing Creation, simply because it is NOT science.  You can NOT compare the two.  

    You must not be in a public school.  I feel you must be in a private school and probably a religious school.  So hey, you go right ahead and talk about anything you want.  Make any comparison you choose.  Here is one fact, you wont be going to any public college or university.

  10. Thanks for clarifying that this is a private Christian school.  Only in private Christian schools is the cornerstone concept of modern Biology, overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community since the 1800's, still being "debated" in 10th-grade Biology classrooms.

    But then you say "I've made up my mind."

    ... Based on what?

    You're in High School!   You have *barely* scratched the surface of what Biology is, how it works, what its basic tenets are, what things hold it together.   I doubt ... in a Christian private school that is holding mock "debates" about evolution ... that they are giving you a full understanding of *WHY* the scientitific community accepts evolution *OVERWHELMINGLY*.

    And notice that I don't even know if you have "made up your mind" to accept or reject it.   It doesn't matter.  

    This is PRECISELY what bothers me about these "debates."

    They put emphasis on *belief* ... not UNDERSTANDING.

    All of science is about UNDERSTANDING, NOT *belief*.

    Evolution is a useful concept because it help us UNDERSTAND biology.   Things *MAKE SENSE*.  Commonalities between organisms.  Metabolic pathways.  The precise way that DNA codes genetics in all organisms.   The presence of *so much* useless DNA.   The way embryos develop.  Why dolphin embryos have leg buds, and human embryos have gill folds, webbed fingers and tails.  Why some snakes have leg buds and whales have pelvises.  The bizarre, sometimes rube-goldberg structures we find (why do we have so many tiny bones in the inner ear).   The structures, locations, and depths in which we find fossils.  Why all the primates in Africa and Asia have color vision, opposable thumbs, and no prehensile tail, but the primates of Central and S. America have no color vision, no opposable thumbs, and a prehensile tail.   And on and on and on.

    By 10th grade you have probably barely heard of any of these things, much less studied them with the kind of detail that 150 years of the world's PhDs in biology, biochemistry, paleontology, embryology, genetics, biogeography, etc. etc. have.

    Please please please ... don't "make up you mind" to either reject *or accept* evolution.   Just try to UNDERSTAND it.   Really understand what scientists think and *WHY* they think it.

    If you come away baffled why the scientists accept evolution so strongly ... if you are starting to wonder if hundreds of thousands of the world's PhDs are all idiots ... then something is clearly wrong with the way science is being taught in your school!   Science class should be building an appreciation for, perhaps an interest in, and definitely an UNDERSTANDING of, science.  If your science class is instead leading you or some of your classmates to total *contempt* for science and scientists ... then I hope that you realize that something is wrong about calling it a "science class."

    You don't have to agree with the scientists.  That's not my point.   But you should at least understand *WHY* they support evolution like they do ... *before* you decide whether you agree with them or not.

    Understanding *before* belief.  That is science!


    >"the THEORY of evolution makes alot more sense to me that the THEORY of creationism."

    To say it "makes more sense" is fine.  Just don't say "I've made up my mind."

    Also, the word "theory" is not something you put in all-caps as if it means "uncertain fact."   A theory in science means *explanation with evidence* ... it does NOT mean "uncertain fact".   A theory can become more and more certain, but it can NEVER become a fact.   A theory *explains* facts.  It does not become a fact.

    And Creationism is not a theory in the scientific meaning of the word.   It is neither explanatory, nor does it have evidence.

  11. Evolution was created by atheists to explain God out of his creation.  There is no such thing and there is not one single sample of evidence that supports evolution as anything other than a farce.
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