
Creation "Science", so easy a caveman can do it?

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  1. no such thing....2 diff things...CREATion means God made us...

  2. Here's Creation Science/Intelligent Design at it's best.  

  3. Agreed, particularly, since it was a caveman that created it in the first place

  4. LOL, love the wording of your question!!!

    The whole earth and known outer-space realms scream intelligent design!

    Cavemen (of the evolution variety) couldn't comment, because they don't exist, and never did.

  5. No such thing as cavemen.  Man from the beginning had languages, abilities of gardening, animal husbandry and even tool making show that there was never cavemen.  From the beginning, man had the ability to  live, work and build.

  6. "creation science" - one of the greatest oxymorons in the English language, right up there with "intelligent design"

  7. i dotn get it .... w8 are u saying that the big bang hteroy is so simmple??... when i think that that just saying a god did it is easyer.. im not athest by the way

    and there is evidence.... like the fact that all galexys are spinning means that there was a lage force to make that momentom.... and that iif we slow down we woul be sucked into the suns gravity.. witch will eventualy happen....makeing up a god  is a lot easyer than then makin gup sientithic therys that have logink behind them...

    and ther were caven theres proof .. like huminoid bones found in caves .... and like cruid tools with them ..

    the thing i hate about religoes people is that there so stupern ther efixd on god created us an dno amoun tof loginc will chaange that for them .......but serioulsy if god created us why not on a bigger planet.. like comon jupiter can hol d over 330 000 earth sized planets ...

  8. Of course it is. It was invented by cavemen, wasn't it?

  9. NO NO NO!

    Creation "Science", So easy a bronze age goat herder could do it.

    THAT'S how it goes.

  10. So stupid it would make a caveman blush.  

  11. lol

  12. In fact, a caveman did do it.  When human intelligence and language became sophisticated enough to discuss abstract concepts, some people began to question where everything came from, and why life existed at all.  Since early man had no rational answer, the simple explanation was that there must be some higher power which created everything.  The "science" behind the explanation has since been a retrospective attempt to prove the original conclusion.

  13. The 'science' aspect to creation is so vague and broad, it deserves more quotation marks around it.

    More like:

    Creation """"""""Science"""""""".

  14. Don't hurt your head.

    Even the founding fathers knew there was a creator

    All of science supports creation. If those who were looking at it, we're desperatly trying to disprove the existance of the Creator, science could move on to important things like curing cancer, instead of sending billions of dollars on a probe to mars to dig for water.

  15. "Creation Scientifically Speaking" Cavemen didn't exist...

  16. I wasn't aware that there was any hard science to back Creationism.

  17. You just upset the Geiko mascot.  Shame on you.

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