
Creationism-What is it?

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Modern authors sometimes use it to refer to a literal genesis account. In older use it refers more to belief in a creator behind all material things. Which is the right meaning. What resources are best for defining the exact modern meaning of English words???




  1. It means that many top scientists - from astronomy to micro-biology - see SOOOO much evidence of Intelligent Design that they reject their atheist brainwashing & worship the Almighty Creator

    See many learned articles, mags, books, CDs, DVDs & MP3s @ - ACE search there !! - see their daily Answers show @ both &


    Even arch evo-loopy Prof Richard (Dorky) Dawkins defined biology as the study of species that give every appearance of having been designed for a purpose

    Fight for academic freedom & demand kids be trained to think for themselves, based on evidence, as such brainwashing prepares for the worst global tyrant ever: the Antichrist Beast of Revelation 13, 17 & 18, etc

  2. While it is true that the Bible speaks of God "creating," "creationism" is a new phenomenon, but a rapidly advancing one.

    There is now "creation science" which assumes the existence of God and tried to use science to prove it. (See Phillip Johnson's book, "Evolutionary Naturalism,"

    Creationism is opposed--literally, not figuratively--in academia, in the attempt to impose religious standards on all sciences. But according to Dr. Quentin Smith , philosophy is the only science Creationism is making any headway into, knocking Naturalism off its pedestal of impartiality.

  3. By far, the best resource for understanding the use of any English word is the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). Most Libraries have entire bookshelves dedicated to its many volumes. Or, one can pay to subscribe to the online version at

    I used it while writing a historical novel. I needed the dialog to use only words that were part of the English language in the time period of 1833. The OED helps by listing the year that each usage of an English word first appeared in literature.

    My subscription to OED ran out last year, but both of your definitions of “creationism” are correct. One thing you realize when reading the OED is that the language is not defined in stone and people use words in new ways all the time. Decide the usage that is appropriate for your work and craft your writing to make that meaning self-explanatory to the reader.

  4. An emotional and illogical effort to escape and avoid the facts that science and logic produce and that contradict an ancient creation myth that some people refuse to let be updated.

  5. Creationism is the basic concept that something was brought into being by another being, similiar to creationism in a biblical perspective. It can also apply to other things, such as concepts or ideas, which are introduced into being or in light of other people.  

  6. Creationism is defined by the literal reading of Genesis chapter 1.

    I have studied the Ancient Hebrew and the words for evening and morning are translated correctly, and there is no indication of any metaphorical application that could be possible in the context of Genesis chapter one; the days of the week have continued throughout time from then to now, so if it is Saturday then the number of days which have transpired is equal to 7x where x is some whole integer number, (if it is a wednesday 7x + 4, and so on).

  7. Creationism means that all we see has a purpose and designer as opposed to a meaningless chance existence. Unfortunately science rejects any notion of absolutes which means they are guessing mostly when it comes to metaphysics and the existence of thinking acting beings as Aristotle did. It is clear to people that they think and then act. However science is yet to explain where thinking comes from on the basis of their disciplines. Richard Dawkins says our cognitive faculites arrived by accident after millions of years of random chance mutations. The reliability of such faculties is a problem Darwin considered a lot. He said that he couldn't believe that everything he saw aririved on the scence by accident. However his uncertainty is summed up in his conclusion. He says, "Who can trust a Monkeys mind?" Marques De Sade said the people were merely chemicals. However whilst in a mental institution he complained about his treatment. The irony is that chemicals can't think or complain. In light of this science is merely Buddhism in the west.

  8. Creationism is "the belief that the universe and living creatures were created by God in accordance with the account given in the Old Testament." - Oxford English Dictionary

    Can't beat the OED.

    The more general belief that the world was created by a creator, but not specifically adhering to the Genesis account of the Bible, is usually referred to as Intelligent Design.

  9. Well if you're writing a paper or something don't quote me, but I know if someone says they are a creationist, I assume they are referring to believing in a literal translation of Genesis as you say.  I suppose one could refer to all creationist religions that way, but that would be confusing.

  10. creationism does not just refer to the biblical version of the beginning of the world

    creationism just states that a being created the peoples of earth.. it could refer to anyone or anything... not just 'god'

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