
Creationist or Evolution?

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Creationism or Evolution? What do you think? Why?




  1. Evolution.

    Because is more obvious and has prove back it ((heavy dinosaur skeletons)) unlike Creationism which is mainly base on human stories that in all ways and in all religions involves fantasy and super-human powers, I think that when humans can't understand something we immediately believe that there is some kind of super-human-like-intelligence involved in it, for example most ancient cultures believed in GODS of such things as FIRE, WIND, THUNDERSTORM and DEATH now days we now that there is not a god behind all of them but there is a complex world of things behind them that our ancestor could not even imagine therefor they needed GODS to help explain it to themselves and others.


  2. you cant really compare the 2

    Evolution isn't the theory of how we got here.. but how we evolved AFTER we got here..

    Abiogenesis is the theory of HOW we got here.. such as the big bang..

  3. evolution, there are tons of data and observation over a few hundred years to support it.  Creationism is supported by 1 book and not very well at that.  Even that one book contradicts itself in the order of creation from one chapter to the next.

  4. Evolution of course. I am not a religious person.

  5. HELLO, why do you seem to segregate the two. Should both subjects c-depend on the other? Why do we "humans" have two windows in our lonely heads?

  6. To ki_utopia, Shut the **** up please. Your mostly wrong. The bible in fact, IS REAL. WE ALL KNOW SO STFU PLEASE. You probably copied most of that stuff. That writing style isn't even yours anyways, because you can tell the grammar, and the way of expression...

    Anyways, I'm pro Evolution, even though I guess I'm Christian...I don't know, but I'm pro evolution. Jesus, was not white. He was either Arabic/black. Probably Arabic, or whatever the race is around Israel. Adapting itself, the idea, is one of the backbones of evolution in my opinion.

    Lots of smart people with "High IQ brains" are starting to pop up more frequent. To me, that might be the new Homo Sapien sapien sapien. (We are homo sapien sapien, at least to my knowledge) Bones = Evidence.

    Dinosaurs...Well the people back then, didn't have technology, and didn't have the information we have today to comprehend what it was anyways, so your logic is flawed there too. Latin, has invented before the bible no? So THOSE WORDS WOULD BE THERE....'Nuff said.

  7. I support the theory of evolution, theory though it may be, because it makes perfect sense. A lesser-adapted creature will not be able to survive or reproduce as well, and if that trait is genetic, it's less likely to be passed on. If someone has a genetic disorder that causes sterility, the disorder will die out pretty quickly, since the person cannot reproduce and pass on the flawed genes. If everyone with blue eyes was affected by a fatal illness, they would die and thus be incapable of reproducing and passing on the blue eyes. Eventually, there would be no blue eyes left-- or, at least, it would be exceptionally rare.

    However, I don't think evolution rules out the existence of God, though I personally do not believe. There could, by religious beliefs, be a God that said "Ok, I'm gonna create humanity through evolution" or something.

  8. I don't understand how God creating life through Evolution doesn't work.

  9. People always say how the evdience for evolution is all around us, viruses mutating and getting stronger, bacteria mutating and becoming resistant.

    Mutations and resistance, is a form of adaptation and variance, but this  in itself can not be a concrete defintion of evolution.

    If you go the gym and do wieghts, after a year, you will have adapted, and becomed more modified and more built, but would you describe yourself as more evolved?

    No, because you will still mate with a human and produce another human. A virus despite all its efforts will still prodcue more viruses. Despite the trillions of mutations by bacteria they will still produce more bacteria.

    Like a 4000 year old book says each will produce after its kind and that's what we observe.

    But people say but that kind of evolution takes zillions of years, which is convenient for them as it means it can never be accuratrly studied or observed.

    So i gues that meansas an evolutionist you are hanging on a prayer, and clining on to every ounce of faith in the beielf that after zillinos of years the un-observable really does happen....

    hmmm, prayers and fiath, i'm sorry i thoguht evolution was a science?

    it's ok evo's i love you really, it's whatwe studied at school, it was perfectly plasuible, but there's a reason you are taught this as a child, and i beleived in it and was sick of explaining it to other people who i simply labelled crazy, until about a year and a half ago, when the evidence i gathered and studied was bare, circular, and promoted a toxic response whenever i questioned it.

    You learn it at school so it canv soak in and fix to your mind, the same with climate change.

    If you beleive that the earth is millions of years old, than the question has to be asked that why is Carbon, the most abundant element in the earth, which is found in the cell of every single organism, now become the most posionous element on the earth?

    we are told its goingto kill us, and cause global warming. Bearing in mind the majority of carbon is released when things decompose, So the sea holding 70% of the world's life would be the biggest polluter.

    Next would be volcanoes, the majority of which are under the sea, then al the decompoisng things on the earth, then all the grazing animals on the earth. Then all the c02 we natural produce as people when we breathe out....yes breathing out means am wicked and contributing to global warming, maybe i should stop...

    and then all the additional co2 we care causing by flying and using cars.

    oh incidentally did you know that in the fractional distillation of petroleum, aviation fuel is a lighter fraction of petrol.

    Therefore its combustion is more eficient and cuases less c02.

    But we're not told that. Did you know that all the buses in Los angeles causes more c02 than al the planes of the world. but we're not told that. WE are told to worry and fear, that we are the cuase, and we should reduce are lfiestyles.While our green tax, yup thats coming too our green tax gors higher, while our governments get to drive and fly what they want and party like its 1999.

    ok here's your evidence for dinos in the good book:

    Dinosaurs are in the bible, they are not called dinosuars, as the word dinosaur was invented in the 1800's, try searching for the words *****, asian, european or iranian in the bible, those terms were invented long after it was written, but those original peoples belonging to those groups were all in the bible, under different names

    Dinosaurs have been with us throguhout history,

    research tales of beowulf + grendel and the george and dragon,

    these dragons and monsters were in fact dino's.

    Dino's are in the bible:

    The bible speaks of leviathans, and of behemoths in the book of Job,

    The bible speaks of Daniel killing a dragon which the babylonians worshipped as a god, Daniel prooved it was not a god by destroying it with bales of hay soaked in oil.

    This why in babylon, they have statues of dragons and dragons carved on their gates.

    Mayan discoveries have shown a colection of over 14,000 pots of clay which show the mayans riding dinosaurs, they also show surface features of dinosaurs include small disc like structures on their skin (almost like a form of mechano-receptor). Scientist have only found out the possibility of these sturctures only 20 years ago. The mayans knew about them thousands of years ago, and the only way they could do that, and draw them riding the dinosaurs, would mean that dinos existed at that time and did not die out millions of years ago,

    google up mayan dinosaur pottery, and you can al see it for yourselves .

    Don't shrink the evidence to fit the theory, dinosaur evidence like this, and the soft bloodfilled tissue of the t-rex recently discovered also prove to you, that they did not die out like we have been told and that they are not millions of years old.

    You have all seen fossils of 1.5 ft long spiders caled mega-rachne servani and a giant wombat jaw was discovered indicating that this wombat was atg least 6ft long, wombats these days are 1.2ft tops, we have seen fossils of giant hornless rhinos, massive elephants (mammoths),

    if the skeletons of lucy and others were really that of an ancient time as suggested they would be much bigger to fit alongside with the giant wombats, rhinos, elephants, horses, and the butterflies such as the one seen in 'ross's bedroom in almost every episode of friends'

    Why was lucy not able to take advantage of the extra oxtygen in the atmosphewre, like every other species was, such as the 12ft long sloth bear in our museums,

    becuase she is not from that age, and they had to find a fake

    and even if they do find an ape like ancestor from back then, all they have prooved is that it was much bigger and stronger, and that man's mutation have led to a retardation in size

  10. Evolution.  Creationism is believed by ignorant people.  Its that simple.  You show me a creationist, i will show you an ignorant person.  For example, ki_utopia spews ignorance.

    They actually compare viruses GENETICALLY changing due to adaptation with lifting weights. In other words, they were home schooled.

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