
Creationist response?

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I am curious to see the response from a creationists' point of view from this fact:

In the Bible, old and new testament, God has killed 2, 270, 365 people, while Satan has only killed 10. This is not counting Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues and famines. Nor does this account for anything outside of the bible - the Crusades, 9/11, etc, placing 2 million + murders as a low estimate

Also, it should be noted that Satan killed 10 only as a bet with God, see Job 1:1-19




  1. You know, I always was really curious about why God killed so many people and finally someone gave me an answer that I could kind of understand.  When God's people were moving into a new area, God killed the people who would be a negative influence.  God's people weren't so great at following his commandments, actually they pretty much stunk at doing what he said.  If he had allowed the other people to live, and let his people live in the same area, God's people would have been totally corrupted.  They basically acted like little high schoolers wanting to fit in with the crowed.

    And the Crusades, 9/11 and etc were all done by misguided people.  They thought they were doing the work of God, but in all honesty, I seriously doubt God spoke to a single one of those people.

    And I don't know if I'm exactly a "Creationist".  I believe God made the world, but I don't think it is too unbelievable that he could have used evolution to help shape the world as we now know it.

  2. How do you blame God for 9-11 when it was the act of evil men and evil comes from Satan not God.  This question is just more nonsense but console yourself in the knowledge that at least you think you're profound.

  3. Maybe that's because Satan fears God and follows his commandments to pacify him?

  4. hm.
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