
Creationists, do you think ALL sciences have a secret agenda against "God"?

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Creationists, do you think ALL sciences have a secret agenda against "God"?






    T HIS separation need not exist, for all mankind is fully entitled to make use of science. For after all science merely tries to make the Divine gift that is Creation more understandable, and the real task of each of its branches is to attempt to probe more deeply into the Laws of the Creator, so that through a more exact knowledge of them they can be used with greater benefit to mankind!

    All this is nothing more than a desire voluntarily to submit to the Divine Will!

    Now as Creation and the Natural or Divine Laws on which it is based are in their perfection so absolutely clear and simple, it naturally follows that those who really recognise them should be able to give a plain and simple explanation!

    Here, however, a noticeable difference sets in which, in its unhealthy tendency, is creating an ever-increasing gap between mankind and those who call themselves disciples of science, thus disciples of knowledge or truth!

    They do not express themselves with such natural simplicity as would be consistent with the Truth and thus with real knowledge, indeed, with what truth requires as a natural consequence.

    There are two, indeed three, reasons for this. These disciples expect to take an exceptional position on account of what they consider to be their hard study. They will not see that with this study they are only taking over something which already existed in Creation. They are doing the same as a simple peasant does when necessity requires him quietly to observe the working of Nature, and also what others must do in their ordinary practical work!

    Moreover, as long as a disciple of science does not really approach the truth with his knowledge, he will naturally have to express himself in obscure terms. Only when he has really grasped the truth will he also, out of necessity, have to become simple and natural in his dissertations!

    It is no secret that just those people without any knowledge have a liking during their period of study to hold forth to a greater extent than those who actually possess knowledge. In so doing they will always be obliged to use obscure terms, because they cannot do otherwise as long as they have not attained to the truth and thus to real knowledge!

    In the third place there is a real danger that most people would pay very little attention to science if it revealed itself in the natural cloak of truth. They would think it "too natural" to be of much importance!

    They do not reflect that this is the only right thing, and that it also furnishes the standard by which to measure what is genuine and true. The guarantee of truth lies only in the simple naturalness of things!

    But it is not so easy to convince men of this! They would not even recognise the Son of God in Jesus because He came to them in "too simple a manner"!

    The disciples of science were very well aware of this danger from the earliest days. That is why, in their shrewdness, they closed themselves more and more to the simple naturalness of truth. In their cogitations as to how they could make themselves and their science appear of more importance, they created ever greater obstacles!

    Finally, any scholar who had attained to some eminence disdained to express himself so simply that all could understand him. This often happened for a reason he himself was hardly conscious of, namely, that there would be little left to make him stand out unless he used a mode of expression which could only be learned by years of special study!

    By not making himself generally understood, in due course he created for himself a position of artificial superiority which was upheld by his pupils and successors at all costs, as otherwise for many the long years of study and corresponding financial sacrifice would really have been in vain!

    And today it has even gone so far that many scholars are no longer capable of expressing themselves clearly and comprehensively, thus simply, to ordinary people! To achieve this again would indeed require the hardest study and take more than a whole generation. But above all it would have the result (distasteful to many) of bringing into prominence only those who, by virtue of their real abilities have something to give mankind, and who are willing to serve them with it!

    gAt present the practice of mystifying the public with incomprehensibilities is a particularly prominent characteristic of the scientific world; similar to what was customary in religious observances, where ministers ordained by men on earth as guides and leaders spoke to those who came to worship and to be uplifted in Latin, which they could not understand and therefore could not rasp and make their own, which alone would benefit them. These ministers might just as well have spoken in Siamese; the result would have been equally ineffective!

    True knowledge need not be incomprehensible, for at the same time it holds the capacity, indeed the inherent desire, to express itself in simple terms!


  2. Not a true 'creationist' (I believe evolution is a part of creation) but no, I don't think science has a secret agenda against God at all.

    I think science fails only in it's attempt to define God by 'scientific' methodology.  Scientists try to limit God and it's just not possible.

  3. But of course.

  4. No. We just do not believe that the evolution theory is a fact

  5. Science is never against God. Science explains God's creation.

    Only some scientists going crazy against God.

    A scientists claim that he can explain how wine is brewed from grape juice. He can identify what all ingredients are there in wine.

    A silly science student may claim that when all the ingredients are put together wine is formed. Is it true?

  6. No. But I do believe many (scientists and non-scientists) will jump on any bandwagon that "proves" God does not exist. People do not want to be eternally responsible for their actions. Thus they reject the idea of God so they can be free to do what they want.

  7. Not all...yet.

    Many just don't understand the basic principle of parsimony and what lines of evidence in science actually infer.

  8. if science is against god why are u using a computer?

    science created that computer dont u know?

  9. Not all sciences.........perhaps all footie's.

    JK ;)

  10. The problem is not science, but scientists who make false assumptions that insinuate God's Word is inaccurate.

    After all, God created science. I am certain it is not in conflict with God (even despite what modern science often considers to be "proven fact").

  11. No, I dont' think science has a secret agenda against God.  There are many religious scientists in the world, after all.  I do think God has a much better understanding of science than any of us do, and that Satan tries to twist our understanding of science to make it seem that science is in direct contradiction to religion.


    I like Edge's point.

  12. not at all

  13. Holy lab rats, you mean they don't?

  14. No but I think they interpret the evidence wrong because they don't want to believe their is someone who knows more than they do.

  15. No there like every one else there after the money, and since 80% of the people in the USA are Christians were paying most of the bill.Now say were agaist science

    tGod bless

  16. No, I don't think that way, my friend...................

  17. Yes, even those pesky Botanists.

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