
Creationists, how does do you feel when an atheist used your own argument against you?

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Now maybe you can imagine how silly you sound!!!

1. Evolution is a fact, just look around you!!

2. I know there is no God because I truly feel it in my heart

3. How could you believe in God? IT'S JUST A THEORY

(This is what craetionist say about evolution)

4. You may not believe in the tooth fairy but she still loves you

5. What do you have to gain from believing in creation? Nothing! What do you have to gain from believing in Evolution? Pretty much the insurance policy that you will NOT go to h**l if the FSM does actually exist!!




  1. Yeah...

  2. Freedom of speech. Arguments will rise. Many will engage. Many are mislead and we all are confused.

  3. I come heer fro teh lulz; that worked well ... especially when we acknowledge that fundie doesn't understand satire - it's a double banger.


  4. Not really a parody, more imitative mockery.  Parody is with good nature.


  5. Consider this

    Mysteries In Science

    The Young Age of the Earth

    The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

    The Origins of Life

    Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

    Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

    Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

    Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

    Atheist's NightMare: Evolution

    Our Solar System: Evidence For Creation

  6. I have argued creation vs evolution many times and it all boils down to one thing:  Faith.

    I am a creationist, but I must have faith to believe that the world was created by God as recorded in Genesis 1.  I believe through faith that the Bible is true.

    You are an evolutionist, but you must have faith to believe that everything evolved from pretty much nothing.  That an outer space explosion created what we know as our universe.  You believe that the evolution scientists know what they are talking about.

    So either way, faith has to be used.

  7. Ok, what if I were to tell you that creation and evolution work together in exactly the same way.

    Let's say, The FMS or whatever god there is, did creat the universe and set the whole thing in motion. As the pot boiled the chemicals started perculating and caused life to begin on the small scale of science books and evolved into bigger and better creatures until man evolved. Then man had a vague memory of the creator coming around so religion began.


  8. I believe in God and evolution.  There are too many Neanderthals running around for there not to be evolution, and I personally was created by God.  

  9. The Smart Guy.  and some of us are higher than a hawk's nest.

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