
Creationists, what makes you think that evolution, to us, is about species giving birth to different species?

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Because, no evolutionist ever said that.




  1. Evil-ution doesn't exist

  2. They don't really care whether or not evolution is considered as one species giving birth to a different species. There are literally hundreds of flawed arguments out there for creationists, and if it's not this, it's something else. In the end, they're looking for evidence to support their conclusion, rather than drawing a conclusion based on available evidence. It doesn't matter what evolutionist said what, the creationists will refuse to see the truth anyways. They have to _say_ that evolutionists said things like this, because they don't have any valid arguments against evolution - they try to appeal to our sense of absurdity (which is a logical fallacy.)

  3. Yes they do. They believe that all life comes from a single ancestor. Unless they changed their minds again.

  4. they use creationist websites for thier scientific information.

  5. how else would you explain the evolution of every living thing coming from a speck of dust or from an amoeba ?  Or monkeys, I have heard so many "theories' from evolutionists that it is confusing. Can't you people just pick 'one' ?

  6. The fact there are no sharp lines between species eludes them.

  7. I actually like science. I find it very interesting, I really love the show "Bill Nye the Science Guy". I really enjoy learning about space, planets, stars and galaxies. I even like physics, learning about electricity. But once I learned about evolution there was nothing scientific about it. Because of these reasons:  

    *Evolution is a theory not a scientific fact, as it is commonly considered to be. In fact if you want to scientifically accurate about it, evolution doesn't even qualify to be a theory, its more like a model. That's because scientific theories have to be Observed, Tested and the Results Repeated. Evolution has never been observed, nor can it be tested. Scientists have never been able to create life from non-living matter.

    * There is no evidence. (Evolution hoax at the bottom)

    *"Evolution is unproven and unprovable, we believe it because the only alternative is creation and that is unthinkable." -Sir Arthur Keith.

    * And because the laws, or whatever you want to call them, about evolution sound evil.

    Evolution says:

    We are not worth squat, we are not here for a reason, we were the result of an unexplainable accident billions of years ago, we come from the animal kingdom (which I find insulting) and nothing happens when we die.

    Creation says:

    We are worth a whole lot, Jesus died for the sins, so you wouldn't have to die, so you are worth a lot! You are here because God has a plan and a purpose for you. We are made intelligently by God fully formed and when we die it's up to our decision for or against Christ which determines where we spend eternity.

    To answer your question:

    Evolution says that it takes millions of years for an animal to transform into another animal. That's what you believe about the archaeopteryx isn't it? To me that fossil is the perfect proof of the flood.

    So when scientists find evidence for creation, they destroy it because it doesn't support their theory.

  8. No crocoducks, unfortunately.

  9. Well, any documentary on evolution on the discovery Channel or History Channel shows some animated version of what evolutionists believe, and it always shows some species that "morphs" into another "kind" of animal, something that just doesn't happen. Even if it goes stepwise, at some point you're going to have a creature that is no longer a dog. So the assessment of your beliefs would be correct. Evolutionists in recent years have even given up on "gradualism" in favor of "punctuated equilibrium" (the "hopeful monster" theory) in which sudden changes in one generation, such as one day a dinosaur hatched an egg and out came a beaver.

  10. Because that's what they've been told.

  11. tedi lee idiotically sums it up by saying 'evilution'. she's obviously watched some of those ridiculous pro creation videos on you tube, or venomfang im a whiney p***y with no real friends who still lives in my mums house and doesn't have any outwardly noticeable level of any kind of educationX

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