
Creationists: Why do you think some other Christians believe in evolution?

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Creationists: Why do you think some other Christians believe in evolution?




  1. Ive NEVER KNOWN EVEN ONE WHO ive got a feeling they arent born again..

    lets not make pointless comparisons..

    lets have some deep spiritual ques which are really good for answering

  2. Evolution or the  THEORY of Evolution?  

  3. True. I don't see Atheists believing in creationism  

  4. Evolution makes scientific sense to most of the Non Fundamentalist Christians I know-including to me.

  5. It's not so much a "belief" in evolution, more a consideration that God uses evolution as a tool. We obviously don't have perfect understanding of this tool as it is still called a theory.

  6. I'm not a creationist but I've met Christians that believe in evolution.

  7. They have bought into the spirit of compromise.

    "Toleration at all costs"


    "They are double-minded, unstable in all their ways."

  8. Because there is enough empirical evidence to make it plausible, not proven just plausible.

    However, I don't believe in evolution. I also don't believe in "poof" creationism. The truth is the Bible record only gives us the information that God did it, not how He did it. So on the issue of "how" I am non dogmatic. Frankly, I simply don't care. I am just glad He did.

  9. I do, and I don't think some of us believe, I think a lot of us believe in evolution.

  10. I think some believe that the 7 days of creation may not have been literally 7 - 24 hour days but a much longer period of time.  I don't know of too many Creationists who believe man evolved from apes.

  11. They have been indoctrinated from birth like the rest of us.

    The truth is, there are facts. Those facts are interpreted in two ways, evolution and creation.

    There is no evidence for evolution. It's just an interpretation of facts. Sadly, folks aren't allowed to think for themselves as we're inundated with the lie that it is fact.

  12. I don't.

  13. Consider the source of information and the question answers itself.

    2000 year old text sloppily thrown together by a Roman then changed a few times as society needed it to or....

    Years of observational study, followed up with theory, testing and documentation.

  14. Most Christians believe in evolution as one of Gods methods of creation.

    Creationists are nuts.

  15. The story of Creation does not automatically make it impossible that evolution did not happen. Most of us who believe in both Creationism and Evolution believe that a superior being did make the first atom (isn't it ironic that Atom and Adam sound similar?) and that that first creation evolved into what it is today? You cannot say that what science supports is wrong - but you can take what science supports and make it work with your belief system. Those who believe that just because one thing is proven by science all other theories are 100% wrong are really ignorant.

  16. Many of your smarter christians do. Can't ignore secular science.

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