
Creationists disapprove of evolution, but shouldn't they also campaign to reclassify the bat as a bird?

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LIke it says in the Bible.




  1. Some creationists do!

  2. That'd be quite silly.

    But then again, that's how everyone saw things during the days of the bible. People didn't know that bats were mammals. But now, in our time, it would not make sense to do something like that. Also, it would cause a riot.

  3. To be fair, don't blame the creationists for this one, blame the English language.  

    As far as I can tell "bird" once meant "anything that flies" and that included insects and bats.  Likewise the "voice of the turtle" meant the "voice of the turtledove", not the voice of a hard shelled reptile.  

    "Worm" meant anything that wriggles, that includes snakes and earthworms and maybe lizards too. Not many people were into making fine distinctions.    

  4. why not?as far as i am concerned anything with wings is a bird.

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