
Creationists don't want 1.5million year old boy on display?

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(Sorry for large link - it's a little way down)

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  1. If creationists want to bury their heads in the sand, let them.  I don't have to listen to them then talk when they do that.

  2. if this is true, doesn't it kind of shoot down the theory evo as well? it throws your time line way out of wack as far as "spiciation"

    ....and exactly what "creationist" is trying to stop the display of this artifact?

  3. I think it is sad and pitiful when ignorance robs the chance from society to view something absolutely amazing.

  4. I can't seem to get away from my old human reactions to what my eyes see. What I see and feel is the real world. Evangelicals apparantly cannot accept reality. Archealogists  dig up a skeleton that is dated 1.5 million years old. I regard that as fact and I'm proud that my fellow humans are smart enough to be able to carbon date ancient bones like that. This is the real world.

    To quote the Bishop Adoye; "These sorts of silly views are killing our faith." This clown is dangerous because he's capable of corrupting the simple masses.

  5. sweet more lies

  6. Obviously all of science including carbon dating and every experiment with other species that show supporting evidence is incorrect. I believe this is due to the poor methods and many flaws in the experiments. You do know that human evolution has never been conclusively proven and it it were true that would have been done by now.

    Also, I haven't seen anyone present any evidence for evolution (experiments require replication).

    People are just experiencing confirmation bias they see a skeleton that they want to be very old so the data appears that way to them. Of course that is assuming that this isn't just another fraud presented by the true believers.

    There just isn't' way any skeleton is older than 6000 years because that's when the earth was created I know that without any doubt is fact because I choose to believe that and will not accept any evidence to the contrary. ;)


  7. It is hard to deal with facts.

  8. I think its funny that they're citing the wikipedia entry for its age

    either way, I would think that creationist would say that its a test to see how strong their faith is

  9. OMG!!!! Then what did they have to say about Lucy, and the ones they've just found that are older than her?

    A little pre-Hominid can be Adam, and his love, Eve....Creationism can be matched pretty handily with was done by a Baptist Minister who taught my Evolution course in college. No problems there!

  10. If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, and tell people they are stupid , or ignorant if they don't believe it. You will eventually get people to believe it. Now thats the real evolution.

  11. Not really sure. All I know is there are a lot of stupid people out there for a number of reasons.

    !) They can never be certain how old the boy is.

    2) According to many theories evolution and creation go hand in hand.

    3) There is no definite answer on how we got on this Earth so theories such as creation and evolution should not be viewed as  offensive but interesting.

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