
Creationists how do you explain this?

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According to the bible the world is only 6000 years old, and apparently Methuselah lived to 969 years of age. Modern science says that our solar system is 4 billion year years, and that the maximum life span is 130 years, you got some splainin' to do.




  1. wow alot of brainwashed simps out there

  2. While I see your points to criticize them, I'll let the creationists believe in any ridiculous thing they want. Is their problem.

  3. It can't be explained.The Bible is a multiple authored one big contradiction

  4. The book of Genesis shows that man lived for hundreds of years up to about the time of the world flood in Noah's days. After the flood there was a steady decrease of man's life span from the hundreds of years to the current life spans of today. Since the earth was changed from the effects of the world flood that also included less oxygen rich air than before and more blocking of the sun's rays. Scientists know from trapped amber samples that there was at least twice as much oxygen around before. that would also explain why there are great animals including the larger dinosaures found in the fossil record. The extra rich oxygen allowed animals of great size to exist as well as vegetation which is also found in giant size in the fossil record.

    Modern science usually relies on radiometric dating of radioactive material found in rocks to get dates of billions or hundred of millions of years. About two years ago an eight year study of scientists from ICR showed that there is accelerated rate of nuclear decay which has happened in about 6,000 years based on the decay rate of helium which is more prevalent than uranium or any other element used for those kinds of testing.

    Carbon 14 has a half life of 5,730 years yet significant amounts of carbon are found in ancient fossils, rocks, coal and even diamonds point to a limited or young age for Earth.

    Light years are used to come up with great distances and ages for the universe. It has to be taken into consideration that space has been expanding and so in the past there would be shorter distances for light to travel and also that the speed of light for at least the last 100 years has been slowing down meaning that the time frame for light to have traveld would have been less than we calculate now thereby also giving shorter time frames. There is also much we do not still know about outer space and new information about it can help define this issue.

  5. The Bible does not say 6000 years, this is a figure done by adding the years mentioned. While some will say he lived that long, it is possible that there was a family who had a series of leaders with the same name. Humans need order in their lives and religions provided that. We feel more secure when there are answers and religion provided answers. In the ancient world, religion also provided education. The religion introduced concepts to children, math, time, science and history.  It is possible that it was all included once but as concepts changed and history longer, it was a burden to include everything.  The story became an outline for the teachers and that is what we have been provided. Just the outline.

  6. yeah this arguement never work against creationist.  Tryin to figure out the time frame never works because the way we measure a year is not the way god measures a year.  Also in the end the bible although is the word of god, was written by men, and since men are prone to mistakes, maybe they got the messege wrong from god in terms of dates and year and whatever.

  7. Man can't prove how old the Earth is. It's beyond human knowledge to figure that out. And how do we know that the stars are as old as they say? Men try to cover up for the things they can't comprehend. And if Jesus walked on water and rose from the dead, then Methuselah can live to be 969 years old.

  8. Interesting to see people dedicated to the study of cultures with such harsh, pontificating judgments.  Perhaps that makes you feel elite.  Good for you.  You get an F.

    True, there appears to be may notations in the Bible which defy explanation.  There are many inconsistencies and contradictions.  It's a book written by humans, the chances of it being 100% aaccurate are slim.

    As for science.  Not exactly 100% either.  There are theories proposed by the greatest minds of our time which are now being refuted by the scientific community.  The eminence of Hawking and Einstein have even been challenged over the past few years.  Now, I realize these are theories so don't jump all over me but that only goes to prove my point.  Science has not answered all the questions either.

    Physical & cultural anthropoligists look at minute parts of very large pictures and try to learn all aspects of a culture they have never seen.  Using only what is already known in the archeaological record to base their conclusions.  You have to figure there will be some mistakes.

    Until I see facts rather than theories, neither of you are right.  So if you think you're smarter than all the bible thumpers, I haven't see the proof yet.  It's still just your theory.

  9. First off, you are wrong about what the Bible says.

    Nowhere does it describe the earth as being 6000 years old.

    I should flag you for ignorance (as well as flaming and trolling).  But I won't, because we must be tolerant of people who speak before they think.

    Please do some research before you engage in any discussion about it.  Thank you.


  10. I go out on a limb with this one, that's why I love the subject of religion - it invariably sparks debate.

    There is much that we can learn about our world through observation.  Our understanding of spectral analysis can tell us what star systems or equally a rock on a bench, or the planet Jupiter, are made from (and It works EVERY TIME)  The expansion rates of super nova's gave us many answers as to the formation of the elements of the periodic table (the fission process that turns Hydrogen to helium and so on, we now have found most of the possible ones.  Our system simply must be a second, or third generation system to have such complex diversity of such elements.  most of the elements are found here on earth. And most of the early systems harboured elements as complex as carbon.  

    The background microwave radiation that was identified an verified as the remnant of the energy released in the big bang is almost undeniable, they simply squabble over details over what happened before and during it.

    The layers of soil, rock, and ash (from comet strike and volcanic eruptions) give us a very good time frame (it takes time for a tree to fall, decay, turn to top soil, then as its compressed to clay.  And all of these are corroborated time an time again.

    It should also be noted that many scientist take a high regard for god.  I recommend a book called 'The God Theory'  not brilliant but for a metaphor that takes most of its 130 pages to articulate, very cool stuff it touches on the probobilities of understanding the miracle in the big bang, through to understanding metaphysics (ultimately an affinity with the God construct) it illustrates the presence of God in every single Zero Point in the universe, cool quatnum physics philosophy.

    Through these observations, and countless more, we have arrived at a time frame that is accurate to within Millions of years.

    That is not to preclude that god does not exist. As stated obviously the time-frame since Adam and Eve is a little skewed,  Its been (through genetic studies) proven that there was a race of Adams in a movement from Africa, and they were black. Its also marvellous that we have the same number of genes as tiny primordial phytoplankton in our DNA.  But that is not to say that we are not interconnected. That we don't have a spiritual body that reaches out past our manifest self.  From one very interesting point of view our consciousness is nothing but complex cause and effect.  which leads me and others to conclude that everything is in type a consciousness. The moon around the earth, the sun, the galaxy Our Minds are perhaps the scientific pursuit of this century, and a wonderful thing they are. And I do know too well that when we are connected to  construct God, have faith, follow the path of the righteous, little miraculous things happen all around us.  We tend to have a magnetic quality, we make people more readily smile.

    The men and women who wrote the bible were just men (many gospels were left out by the catholic church).  They represented at least one step removed from Jesus, Moses from god, and they were only capable of using rather primitive language unarticulated in what we know and understand today.  It is with my great sorrow that people so feverishly defend the bible with all its inaccuracies and fallacies bared for the rational person to see.

    Mainly, its not that truth is overly important to me, its that people are resigned to fete to Gods will.  In times of despair they say "why god why" were if they were also open to science maybe they would say "How god How"


  11. You will not get an explanation from the hardline Creationists since they don't bother learning science or logic and hence can't tell the difference between myth and theory!

  12. Amen to the girl before me. she knows what shes talking about. God is all powerful. he can do what he wants. And what human can say when all the world came to be? If you don't believe in creation then who was the first human and how did they figure out how old the world was? Scientists just talk c**p to make money.

  13. Time frames in the Bible are not equal to what we think of time today.  They don't compare.  The Bible also is a re-telling of stories from when Jesus came to save us.  There is room for exaggeration built on truth.  You know the game "telephone"?  You start a message and one by one people tell another until it gets told to you aloud from the last person in the telephone line.  It is usually not the same story but it has the basics right.

    You don't need paper facts to figure out if you believe.  FAITH is the exact opposite of PROOF.  All the Creationist and the Religious could have some of their facts wrong and it won't shake my belief in GOD.

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