
Creative an electronic valve? Creating a flow-control mechanism... Help! Please!?

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I'm a student of circurtry and electrical engineering and I am trying to create a flow-control valve for a project. This valve must be able to open and close around a tube, preventing or allowing liquid to flow. Please, does anyone know how I might create teh valve? I just need to know how to make the component of the valve work. I can program the rest of the circuit. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you




  1. A solenoid that compresses a flexible tube would work, or one that drives a butterfly valve (depending on the fluid that you're controlling). Both are available from standard suppliers.

  2. Aircraft uses a lot this kind of control. We call it actuator. It just a small motor runs with 3 phases power or DC power. It can be use to control air flow or fluid in any amount. Solenoid is not a correct device to vary its control. It just a device either shut off or fully open. Next choice is step motor. Most your text books  has this kind of experiment.

  3. Why not use a solenoid operated water valve.  They are an off the shelf item.  Any plumbing supply house should have them.

  4. I have trouble understanding what you are talking about. the only thing that seems to fit is a flexible plastic hose that you shut off by compressing the plastic, like with a clamp.

    You can buy these.

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