
Creative and fun ideas for kids to do at horse day camps

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crafts any ideas




  1. Try decorating old horse shoes, it's a lot of fun- I did it at a horse camp I was at once, we painted them, stuck jewels on them, etc., they all turned out great and look adorable when you hang them up on stalls!

    It's also fun to make pretend horses- then have a horse show with them! Haha, I know it sounds really dumb, but depending on the ages of the kids it can be a blast.

    First buy sticks from Michael's or some other craft store. Then have kids halfway stuff large socks with newspaper or stuffing like you would use to make a pillow. Then put the socks over the sticks, and tie the sock to the stick. Then, let them go crazy as they turn old socks into horses! Ribbon for manes, buttons for eyes and noses, any craft items you can think of can be used to make their horses.

    Once they are done have a horse show with your fake horses- they are like the ones that little kids can buy at stores but they made them themselves! Have them walk, trot, and canter their "horses". If you can manage to find cheap ribbons somewhere you can give those out too to make it seem even more like a real horse show.

    Whatever crafts you end up doing, have fun!

  2. when i was a counsler this past summer and we had the kids make home made horse treats so that they could give them to the horses they were riding on friday night when they were in the show and whe their parents came. they were real simple and they had a blast. just look up some simple recipes on the internet. we also had a water balloon fight. all the counsler went down to the barn one night while one stayed with the kids in the house and we filled water balloons. then we put them in buckets and hid them all around the barn. the next day when they were doing their chores, we went around and got the buckets when they weren't looking. it was totally awesome for them and us.  

  3. ride muck out stalls (4 responsibility) draw lunch n stuff like that

  4. we paint horse shoes, play games on horses, and we groom/tack them ourselves

  5. We just had a bunch of inner-city kids come in last week who had never seen horses before. We did all sorts of fun stuff.

    -Scavenger hunt around the barn

    -Painting our white ponies

    -Ground games, such as barrel races and dressage tests with people instead of horses

    -Painting horseshoes





    -Decorating horse-shaped cookies

    -Making a horse on poster board out of things they eat (hay for tail, grass for mane, grain for body)

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