
Creative horse people please hlep me?

by Guest61279  |  earlier

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OKay I have a horse show in early November but there is one event called the costume event and i have to start the costume now if i want to have time to finish it.

So heres what I need help with:

I don't know what me and my horse should go as

But here are the catches:

1. me and my horse our costumes have to go hand in hand (Like last year i was tinkerbell and he was Perter Pan)

2. Rules state that if i want to ride him i have to wear a helment so that means My costume has to cover the helment to make it unnoticable

3. I really can't put any face makup on me or the horse because we have other events after the costume one

So please if you could help me thanks

And i know i asked a question like this before but i need some more ideas so thanks again




  1. Bo peep and a Sheep (Woolly white rug for the horse, spotty dress, shepherd stick, bonnet etc)

    Police horse and Police woman (Police costume, the horse can have tendon boots on, a visor, reflectives etc)

    Knight on horseback (Armour and a sword etc)

    Indian on a horse (Feathers, earthy colours, etc)

    Rudolph and Santa (Santa costume, attach a red nose to his nose band, put some bells and tinsel on etc)

    Have fun :)


  2. I just answered a question on this a "fun" one and I've no idea were it came from but, it came and make me laugh was

    the "Peeps" the marshmallow treats!  The horse as the yellow chick and the rider as the pink bunny!  LOL  

    really don't know were that came from:)


  3. Your horse could be the pink energizer bunny and you dressed as the battery on his back.  The battery costume could cover your helmet easily.  

    Your horse could be a dragon with you as the princess he was guarding.

    Your horse could be a "horse fly" and you could be a bottle of fly spray.  Just use a fly sheet and make some simple wings to extend across the pommel of the saddle - use some plane wire with sheer materail stretched over - cute.

  4. Medival knight, you can make armor for your horse

    s'more you can be the marshmallow and your horse the piece of chocolate (not sure what color your horse is)

    haha thats all i got

  5. little red riding girl??? You know like little red riding hood and the wolf, but instead little red riding girl and her horse...

  6. I always thought "The Headless Horseman" would be the neatest halloween costume for horse and rider.  Fairly simple too (but maybe there wouldn't be enough of a costume for your horse, besides painting him black with Halloween hairspray, and that may not be terribly comfortable for your next events).  But you could just put a black sheet over your head and body, cut some eyeholes, and make your helmet look like a pumpkin by using some washable paints.

  7. little boo peep

    bonnet coves the hat

    you just change into a little dress

    the horse just needs a rug covered in  wool for the sheep

    racing stripes

    you just need a old  blue saddle pad and edit it with yellow stripes

    and some blue racing colours (hat and jackety thing) that you can change

    clothes horse

    you could go as a washer lady

    like towel wrapped around head apron

    pinafore (type in washer woman on internet)

    get some towels and socks tshirts etc and peg them to your horse(not to the actuall horse but maybee to od bits of string you could tie to the saddle etc and the reins

  8. i just asked a question to see how many people could come up with different costume ideas. . . you might want to go check it out b/c there were some good ideas there.

    next: there are some paints/sprays that come off VERY easy and if you do have time between classes they you can use them, you just shouldnt use as much of them.

    i would help come up with ideas on how to put the costume together, but not come up with the idea cause 1. i dont know what you horse looks like so i cant say paint zebra stripes on it if it's a paint horse. . . kindda silly. 2. i dont know what ya have to work with and 3. i'm not good at comming up with the ideas as much as putting the ideas together to come to life.

    good luck

  9. I agree with the first couple answers. I think your should go as either Red riding hood or Little bo peep. Those are rlly good ideas, good luck, and have fun!

  10. You can go as little red riding hood and he could go as the wolf.Or you could be little bo peep and he could be the sheep.

  11. think of something

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