
Creative people or those connected with organ donation I need your input please?

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There is a parade which next year will have as its theme 'Hats Off to Entertaiment' and I am on a committee for an organ donation agency that has a float in this parade.

In the past the themes have always lent themselves to finding a way to tell the story of organ donation in a very compelling and tasteful way.

How would you tie this year's theme to our organization's mission, and at the same time keep in mind that we always want to acknowledge the real heroes that are organ donors and the transformation of life that happens to a transplant recipient.

If we go the obvious 'celebrity' route, some people's misconception that celebrities or rich people get moved to the top of the waiting list might be wrongly reinforced.

Please give me some of your creative visions - and you might just see them come to fruition next January 1st.




  1. A young girl in a hospital bed with IV and other tubes going in to her body.

    Susie needs a kidney.

    Be a donor.  Save a life.

    Highways kill _______ per year.  If some of those people had been organ donors, imagine the number of lives saved.  Sign up today.

    Give the gift of life.  Be an organ donor.

    Give the gift of Health.  Be a Life giver.

    The gift of life you give may save your child.

  2. I realize the Theme of the Parade is "Hats off to Entertainment" I got it.....

    How about developing a float around the music of Didi Cohn and "You light up my life" (you give me hope to carry on)....get the picture...would be way cool in sending a message to the future donors....from the accepting ones.

    Such as:  "Light up a life Be a Donor"

                      A hero to those needing life.

    The float could be a huge hat with colorful lights around the brim and hat band.  "Christmas type lights as in Giving" like the old C-7 bulbs....all different colors of lights representing all the different walks of life.....

    I think that would certainly be memorable......That is my idea....

  3. Do a hats off to our heroes float.  You could have a young girl/boy in a hospital bed and 'hooked' up to monitors.  Above her/him you could have a big sign that say "Can you be my hero?"  Then around the bottom of the float have cut-outs of different organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, etc).  

    Hope you have a great float...good luck!!!

  4. Maybe take the "hats off" more than entertainment.  Hats off to the donors (ie hat in hand over chest) and celebration for the recipients.  Not sure how to do it with out getting gloomy but the first thought that came to mind.  

    Will post more later if I get any ideas.

  5. Find a list of entertainers that are organ donors or have donated their organs and have large photo's of them.  Maybe have some local well known people that are organ donors.

    Have a large banner that says "our hats are off to you"

    Have another banner that says "you could be great to become an organ donor"

  6. I would suggest you find out which entertainers have donated time and/or money to helping spread the word about organ donation and make your theme one that thanks to those entertainers for their efforts in increasing awareness.

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