
Creative t-shirt help?

by  |  earlier

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for a bit of band fun, @ band camp, were making t-shirts for each section. my section is of clarinets. there are seven of us, and the only colored shirt we can have is a plain white t-shirt.

the section that decorates it the best, gets some kind of surprise. any good ideas for us?

btw, we have a section leader too. should she have a bit of a different shirt?

once again, we can only use white t-shirts.





  1. DO NOT USE CLIP ART. Clip art is your enemy when it comes to competition. As an artist, I suggest you come up with something simple but unique. Perhaps I can send a file of something i come up with. Just gimme a place i can send it. I may be a day or two. Hopefully you dont need it yeterday.

    Just request to connect to me as a frieend and I'll get back to you ASAP.

  2. Do you have a theme for camp?

    Are you going to use fabric paint?

    Here's a website with some free clip art to give you some ideas.

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