
Creative thinkers please help!..?

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I have to write 3 paragraphs on the quote, "The world is made up of 2 classes- the hunters and the hunties.." i have to write about if i agree or disagree and what i believe the each one means. Any ideas?!.. I was kinda going for that the hunters are the leaders and the hunties are the followers. But im open for any opions so please help!! Anything will be greatly appreciated!! =]=]




  1. i guess it means when hunters go hunt for like deer and stuff they usually bring friends or something. so i guess they would be the hunties. just dont take my word on this cuz i might be wrong...

  2. hey.

    i dont think they actualy mean hunters. they just use them as an example.

    i think the hunetrs are representing people who do things for them selvs they dont wait for others.

    and the hunties are the people who jsut sit back and make others do everything for them. i would decribe u as a huntie because u are getting us to do ya homework. dont worry im a huntie too.

    hope i helped :D  

  3. Hunters and perhaps the hunted? I'm not comfortable using the word "hunties", because I have never heard of that word being used in formal English.

    Basically, what I get from this is that it's a dog eat dog world. You either persevere to be strong and at the top, or fail and become "food" for those who have succeeded. Basically, this means that the strong will always, in order for them to stay strong, take advantage of the weak. And the weak, if they don't strive to become "hunters" themselves, would stay at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak. It's very much like the phrase, "Eat or be eaten. Kill or be killed."

    Hope that helped.

  4. Being a sociology major, I would say that is good. The hunters are the upper class and set all the rules while the lower class (most of us) are expected to folow the rules; ie., dress a cetain way, act a certain way, talk a certain way, etc. etc. That is how "society" began. My philosophy is "be yourself" as I don't need "society" to tell me how to dress or act. When one follows the suggestions (advertisements) of society, we give up our own creativity to be like everyone else just because something happens to be "popular" at that particular time. A lot of people look down on the 60's and 70's generation, but we were our own selves. We dressed the way we wanted, spoke out for what we believed in whether society like it or not.

    When a similar paper came up for me, this is what I expounded on and I got an A+. Show your teacher that you don't have to be like everyone else afterall, God didn't plan for us all to be the same. ;-)

  5. In a sense of those words that is true...somewhat, although a clearer depiction of those words are

    Hunter- he, human or creature, the one with strength the one with kunning skills and great power, the one who will do anythinf to other words the killer the bully, the cruel creature that's at the top of the chain.

    Huntee- he, the small, meak, weak, and lower creature all they can do is run hide and prey that they don't get hurt they use their intelligence to the best of their abilities to stay alive for as long as they can.

    So if u want to stick with the leader/follower thing, I think going with leader= dictator, and follower= the victims of said mans tirade would be a much better paper.

    but then again it's ur paper so u decide.

    hope I helped :)

  6. No, it doesnt mean leaders and followers, it means predatores and prey. That means the person quoted( who is the quote from?) believes that anyone who isn't preying on people, i.e. using , conning, manipulating, metaphorically eating, people, is going to be a victim of the ones who are doing so. The quote means that all those who are not using others for personal gain, will be used by others.

    I don't agree with that statement, because I am not a user, or predatore, nor am I a victim, or prey. I believe a person can remain a strong person, not letting themselves be victimized, yet remain a moral person, not victimizing others.

    The quote has a very cynical veiw of life, and pessimistic. I prefer to remain optimistic and believe there is goodness in humankind.


  7. So far sounds good.

    Other ideas:

    --takers vs. doers

    --haves vs have nots

    --those with power vs those without

  8. Hunters- There are people who go out and take what they want. They don't wait for stuff to be handed to them.

    Hunties- Some people wait to be hunted out and have everything given to them.

  9. Hunters could be leaders and hunties could be followers. Go with it.

    I was thinking more along the lines of hunters being bullies and hunties being normal people trying to get by in life. for example bullies in school while others are tyring to learn. crooked policians, dishonest people while you are trying to earn a living. this day and age, as you get older, you learn that life is not always fair. Honesty and integrity are whats right but not everyone shares the same beliefs and morals. It is the hunters that take advantage of those they perceive as week. Hunters dont always kill flesh but they can destroy the human spirit. think on the lines of abuse (verbal, physical). The newspaper is full of news about hunters.

    Hope that helps.

  10. First, I would think that "hunties" should be spelled "huntees", because it is not the plural of "hunty", rather an invented word meaning hunted.

    Secondly, your analogy is weak.  Sorry.  Hunters are not leaders, they are predators, which is different, and "huntees" are prey, or victims, not followers of the predators.

  11. I don't know if I would classify hunters/huntees as leaders/followers. It's more about the weak and the strong; the survival of the fittest. For those that are hunted, their days are numbered.

  12. you could also throw in something about TYpe A and Type B people as hunters and huntees

  13. It's not, as far as I can see, limited to humans.

    Hunter, cat, huntie, bunny rabbit.

  14. he he do your own homework!


  15. I see it as the hunters being the people that go for what they want in life.Or hunt for what they want. I see the hunties as people who let life happen to them and are more passive as to the outcome of what thier life will be like. It can also be seen as people who fell they have control of what they will do in life and the hunties would be the people that believe God or luck controls what will happen in thier life.

  16. hunters are the searchers of knowledge that hunt down facts and hunties is what they are searching for, the source.

  17. The hunters are people with power and wealth.

    The hunties are usually those who are oppressed.

  18. What you have is good. You are on the right track for sure

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