I've been dealing with depression, self hatred and self destructive behavior for over 13 years. I am in my own way. I am super creative and multitalented but can't get it together. I'm scattered and indecisive. I am overwhelmed with my creativity I dont' know where to start. I'm in my mid 30's and i feel like i should have been a lot more successful by now. I know the root is learned behavior from my parents and childhood experiences. I want success as a musician, poet, photographer, actress, performer. But I can't even organize my thoughts and actions. I made the love of my life go away because I was so protective of my creative identity. And my career hasn't even worked out. So nothing is working out. I ended up in abusive and life threatening relationships. I had to move back home to get my life back. I haven't been dating for a couple years and spend most of my time alone. I feel like my life is over and that all my talent is a waste. what is my mental problem with this broken record pattern of being so overwhelmed i end up just wasting time? I"ve been on a lot of different meds and none of them work and i hate the side effects and withdrawls. I'm all over the place and constantly questioning my purpose and identity. I get so jealous so easily of other people's success and react by wanting to do what they are doing. I'm so mad at myself for not memorizing my poems. I'm sick of writing about all the wrongs that have happened to me. I'm so sick of being overwhelmed and supercreative i'm losing my mind.