
Creative wedding proposal?

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I am preparing to propose to the woman that I love soon. I have been thinking of how I want to propose to her. I have thought of many ideas already, but I wanted to get some ideas from you all. To help you out, I'll give a few bits of info about me. I have three teenage daughters. I don't have a lot of money. I have an F-150 pickup truck. Consider me lower middle class. I definately don't want to do it at a baseball game or something.

Help me out with your ideas. I'm up for simple or elaborate. Thank you and God bless you all.




  1. Where do you live? That might help.

    Like, if you live on the coast, just take a walk on the beach and do it.

    Maybe have a picnic somewhere and do it. Don't forget the wine/champagne.

    Take her where you had your first date or someplace special for you two.

    You could also just do it in bed, on a lazy morning. It's very simple but I think it's still romantic.

    Anyway, good luck and congratulations.

  2. Don't do anything involving the truck, like putting a sign on the side of it or something.  The truck is yours, and about you, not her.  The idea of not doing a baseball game or something is also the right choice.  

    You want this to be something she will remember for the rest of her life.  You want it to be about her, and how much you love her.  C'mon.  You have had enough life experience to know what's needed here.  But just because you are asking, let's review the essentials:

    1.  Ring in little velvet box.  Make it as nice as you can.  A plain band is fine, but a diamond is better.  Lots of places sell affordable wedding rings.

    2.  Get down on one knee when you propose.  Be her Prince Charming.  Plan what you will say.  Rehearse it a few times out loud, so you know what it will sound like.

    3.  Look nice.  Get a haircut, wear a nice shirt and pants.  Don't do the thing where you don't think you have to shave for a day because nobody will notice.  You are, after all, proposing marriage, and you want to look your best.

    4.  Don't propose before, during, or after being in bed together.  Make the proposal about your future together, not about gettin' some.  

    5.  Extras- a red rose with a ribbon tied around it (resist the urge to put it between your teeth), a picnic, an engagement party (BBQ in backyard?) where you announce your engagement- and you plan the party.  

    In whatever you do, make sure you think more about  what she likes than you do about yourself.  It's sweet that you are putting a lot of thought into this, and asking for ideas, but I wouldn't tell her you asked about how to propose on Yahoo.  Ever.

  3. take her on "your first date" all over again.....and then ask her tell  her this is where it began and you want many years of experiencing "Firsts" with her

  4. Instead of telling us about yourself, how about telling us about the lady? You want it to be special for HER!!! What does she like? Favorite places? etc. Make it about her, and you'll be glad you did.  Best wishes!!!

  5. If you don't have a lot of money, I would suggest getting a used ring on Ebay.  You can get a great deal, but be sure to only buy from a seller who has great feedback.  It is also a wonderful way to recycle.

    If I were you, I would take her on a picnic in a beautiful setting, with a basket of wonderful food that you made yourself.  

    Buy two gorgeous cloth napkins at Marshalls or T. J Maxx.  They aren't expensive.  Bring a bottle of wine and two nice wine glasses that you can have as a souvenir of the occasion.  Don't forget to bring a corkscrew.  Ask her after you've poured each of you a glass of wine.  Good luck.

  6. don't take such important advice like this from stranger, no offense, i understand this is a hard thing to decide on. she probably wouldn't be too happy if she knew the way you proposed was from YA.

    think of special things that only the 2 of you share. what's important to her and you? if she is a private person, so it just the 2 of you. is she very family oriented? if so, have everyone that's important to her there. good luck, and congrats!

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