
Creative writing 12-i have to convert a Disney movie into a modern day story...i chose Bambi..any ideas?

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so i did it so theres this 9 year old boy who grew up with him mother who lost a son before having him to a car accident and after she got over it she had another kid...and thats Bambi...and for the first 9 years of his life his mom didnt let him go play with the other kids or go outside...or be exposed to anyone at all. she dies of cancer and he goes to live with....this is where im stuck...i think im going to say sister..but whats next....and i guess after that person dies..he lives with his Dad because he finds him eventually and he teaches him how to be brave because hes a policeman or somthing?




  1. I'm having trouble with how this is the Bambi story.  Bambi had friends and explored the meadow with his friends, Feline,Thumper and Flower.  He wasn't not allowed out to play.  

    You need some way to tie the story together in a Bambiesque style.  Maybe have the mom hit by a car crossing the street.  And then having the son grow up to be like the father he never really knew, but his mom spoke of fondly.  Policeman works.  

    Maybe I don't remember, but why have the brother die?  

    Good luck :D

  2. Curly has a good point. Bambi did have friends, and he did go out to play with them- always with Mom close by. And the accident for the modern mom is a good analogy to the hunting scene - unless you want to have her death be from a drive-by shooting or robbery.

    Actually, Bambi knew of his father - mainly as a public figure though. His mom tells him who his dad is.

    In Disney's version, we do not see much of Dear old Dad. He does take over rearing his son after the mother is killed. (for as long as a deer would have to anyway).

    I think you ought to re-read the original story or re-watch the Disney movie to get a better feel for the story line. Then you would be better able to adapt it.

    Using a basic outline would help you to rewrite the story in the vein you are trying for...

    Basic outline: Bambi is born to the wife of a public figure, has an idyllic childhood growing up with close friends in a good neighborhood. His dad is not very involved in his life as far as we know, but he is busy with a very public and important job.

    One day while out getting groceries, there is a major disturbance by gangs (the hunter sequence) and Bambi's mother tells him to run home as fast as he can and to not look back.

    We hear gunshots, but do not witness the mayhem. When Bambi feels he has gotten to safety, he looks around and calls for his mother, who is nowhere to be found.

    At this point, his father arrives and tells him his mother is not coming home.

    We next meet Bambi as a young adult He has a run in with a romantic rival, Ronno, for the hand (or hoof) of his childhood sweetheart, Faline.

    During the course of things, Faline is chased by a gang bent on assaulting her (the hunting dogs sequence).

    Bambi comes to her rescue, fighting off the attackers. At some point the area goes up in flames, trapping Bambi. His dad arrives in time to lead him to safety.

    We close the story with Bambi joining his proud father in his profession, and Faline, now Bambi's wife, busy with twins.

    An adaptation is always better if you don't muddy the waters with extraneous back story or change the outline too much.

    Just change the species of the characters, the location and the time it takes place.

    you can even change their names and minor details, but leave the big stuff alone.

    With all the extra stuff you have going on, this story is turning into a novella and is going to take you years to write.

    Just cut the unnecessary fluff and get to the meat of the story.

    If you want to flesh it out later, you can. but for now, get the assignment done before your mom goes grey waiting for it.

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