
Creative writing major?

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I'd like to major in creative writing, does anyone have any suggestions? websites where I could write? I already keep a journal which I write in everyday but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated




  1. While I know nothing about you, specifically, your age and writing talents, writing is its own best reward. The fact that you do write daily, even though it is a form of diary, says something about you. Tell me, do you rewrite what you wrote? Do you correct yourself? Do you write on a computer, or long hand? All those answers will relate something about you.

    How many unfinished short stories or poems do you have around the house? How much do you read for pleasure? Do you do crossword puzzles? Again, all these things mirror your desires and abilities.

    The best way to write, is simply to write. Often, and over and over. And this is on top of the fact that you surely know that majoring in creative writing is a narrow doorway for future career endeavors. I majored in Journalism and minored in writing as I figured I could report the news while working toward making the news. Still working out pretty well too.

    Just write. Write more, then reqrite about 6 times. then take out every 6th word and see if that helps move the action along, then rewrite one more time, then have someone else read it, someone who's opinion you value. Then you read it again and then rewrite it, and you shluld be good to go.

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