
Credible online sources for the dangers of oil? And the deal with water fueled cars?

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...the dangers of oil on our earth, long term environmental causes, etc? And the deal with water fueled cars, why they aren't out? And on what we can do to help, and who can help? Please include a credible online source (news source, scientists, etc) thanks




  1. I cant answer all, but i can tell you that the water car patent, fueled by heavy water (ie. h3o ((not h2o)) is currently held by Shell, which is a gasoline company.

    its exactly the same as duracel, who own the patent to the recharger for 'non rechargable' batteries.

  2. Many say oil contributes to global warming.  The risk of resource wars grows the shorter the oil supply gets.  Crude oil and it's products are toxic to many forms of life.

    We can help by using less oil (and coal), and using alternatives whereever possible.  Since oil is so cheap and available, alternatives are in early stages of development, and none are as versatile and energetic as oil.  Not burning the oil in the first place is the easiest and safest thing we can do to help.

    A "water-fueled" car does not run on water, but hydrogen and oxygen.  The energy to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen must come from an electric source, and you get back less energy when you burn it than was used to split the water.  Better just to use the electricity to charge a battery, and use that to power a pure electric car.


  3. Used to be a steam powered car called the Stanley Steamer. Is this what you mean by water fueled car?

    It used gasoline or kerosene to heat the boiler water. It worked quite well but cost about 8 times as much as an internal combustion engined auto. Took about 20 minutes to start. Got 10-12 miles to the gallon.

  4. Well to the dude who says that Shell owns the patent to "H3O" fuel - that is such a load of bull I don't even know where to begin.  I am a PhD chemist and I promise you there is no such thing as H3O, whether it's patented or not.  Duracel's "recharger for non-rechargable batteries" - let's see this patent.  You DO know that patents are publicly available documents.  Either cough up the patent number or shut up.

    There is no such thing as a water-fuelled car, and there CANNOT be.  Just read the wiki article on it:

    I promise you - it's all fraud.

  5. It is not the oil that is the danger. It is the people using it. The fossil fuels have been around for millions of years. Mother nature took care of it for us. If mother nature can do it I can. Isn't the price of gasoline high enough. Stop propagating Global Warming or the world will go into a deep depression,would that satisfy U.

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