
Credit Card Not Working?

by  |  earlier

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My creidt card isnt working, could it have something to do with not paying a big cell phone bill ( 500$)




  1. Why are you asking this question here. Why not try asking youe cell phone company and most likely yes it does. So pay it and if you can't then cancel it.

  2. I remember your big cell phone bill question, and I suspect your credit card isn't working because your mom made the card not work anymore. :D

  3. umm no i don't see how not paying another bill could mess with that..i have  cell bill that i couldn't pay either but that didn't do anything to my credit card and it shouldn't its two seprate bills.

    did u max it out?? did u pay the bill?..umm if u did well then call the credit card company and ask them whats going on.

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