
Credit Cards???

by  |  earlier

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Someone got a credit card in my name and I don't know how? Please tell me how I can get this situation taking care of to get my credit back right? And how can I stop this from happening in the future?




  1. Call the bank and discuss the situation with them for sure.  Check with some of the credit protection companies.  They can help you put a mandatory check on your credit.  This would require any company to call you if anybody attempts to open an account with your information.  You can also set the block up yourself by contacting Equifax and Experian.  Good Luck!

  2. Contact the credit card company, Make a police report, contact the credit report for a fraud alert, and lastly check your credit on a regular basis at least once a year.

  3. if the credit card is through a bank, make sure that your address is correct on the banks system. Many times people can just call and order a credit card and change your address to theirs. Second, try not to use checks....they have everything you need to impersonate you, and if you can--GET A CREDIT REPORT FROM THE THREE MAIN CREDIT BUREAUS. You can do this by asking your bank what is the best way to get these reports. They will have EVERYTHING that was ever opened in your name. Hope this helps!
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