
Credit Repair Question!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone here do credit repair if so can you please tell me roughly how much money you make. and also how you go about looking for business




  1. broker i do credit repair

    email me

  2. I take it that you want to start a credit repair business? Have you repaired your own credit or helped someone close to you (a relative or friend)?

    You see, credit repair is risky business. For one, there is no such thing, per se, as "credit repair". Credit was never meant to be repaired. Secondly, it is a time-intensive task and not many people with bad credit can afford to pay you (how did they get in the situation in the first place?).

    Perhaps the best way to start is by helping out a few people for free. Then start charging a small fee, which you could raise as time goes and as you get better known.

  3. Accurate negative info stays on your credit files....there is, however, one trick that "may" help to remove negatives from your credit files. You don't have to pay anyone to do this.

    Per the Fair Credit Reporting Act you have the right to request written validation of negative entries on your credit files. Per this law they must validate the item(s) within 30 days or remove them from your credit file.

    Mail separate requests for each negative on your credit at a time...not all at once. Just include the simple statement:

    Per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I am requesting written validation of this item.

    Remember that there are three credit bureaus, so you’ll have to do this for each credit bureau. There is NO guarantee that this will work....It may give some decent results. The worst that can happen is that all negative items come back verified.

  4. i think i've been in your situation before. I was sooo desperate so i decided i needed help and went to . they helped me out by creating an excellent plan to fix my credit and now i have a pretty great  score!

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