
Credit Report - Can a Newspaper report a past due subscription?

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I do not want my local newspaper delivered anymore - I do not remember signing up for a revolving subscription, yet they are "billing" me. The invoice states its been cancelled, but that I have an amount due for newspapers received. I haven't received the paper in months! I paid in advance? How could I have a past due amount?

Anyway, I just want to know if they can even report to a credit report.




  1. Of course they can. To be on the safe side, get in contact with a representative for the newspaper company and let them know of the issue. If this is a fault on their part, then they aren't able to report you to the CRA.

  2. Yes, they could.  But probably won't.  They might sell the debt to a collection agency who would report it to the credit bureaus.  But I doubt they will sell to a collection agency either.

    I suggest you sent them a certified, return reciept letter indicating that you paid in advance for the subscription and opted not to renew.  Request contractual proof that you are liable the additional newspapers or clear your account and stop billing you.

  3. Yes they can report it. I would contact the newspaper & ask for a detailed bill showing when it started, when it ended & then the contract that states you were informed that it was an automatic renewal subscription (most are). They can legally 'hide' that fact by staing you must call to cancel, if not, it renews perpetually.

  4. yes

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