
Credit Report ?????

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does anybody know how to get a credit report without inputting your credit card info. I had a credit card before but all my accounts are closed so i cant find a site that can look up my credit info!!!! :-( can you pllleeeeezze help???




  1. You get 1 free report per year from all three credit companies plus you can get one if you are denied any type of job or credit.

    To get copies of your credit report write or call following:

    Experian (formally known as TRW)- 701 Experian Parkway, Allen, TX 5013;P.O.Box 2104,Allen,TX 75013-2104;P.O. Box 949,Allen,TX75013;(1-888-Experian or 888-397-3742) (800-682-7654) Fax #(972) 390-1680 for more information or to order online

    Equifax Information Services Center , P.O.Box 740241, Atlanta, Georgia 30374-0241. (800-685-111) or CBI,223 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 1, P.O. Box 1446, Columbia, South Carolina for more information or to order online.

    Transunion Consumer Relations , P.O. Box 1000, Chester , PA 19022;760 Sproul Rd., P.O Box 390, Springfield, PA 19064-0390 (800-88-4213) (800-680-7289)

    If you already have a copy of your report and have questions , you may call, 1-800-916-8800 for more information or to order on-line

    Please keep in mind that different creditors may use different credit reporting companies. Just because something does not appear on one credit card report does not mean that it will not appear on another.

    All of the credit bureaus will provide you a free copy of your credit report if you have been denied credit within the past 30 to 60 days, have been a victim of fraud, unemployed (usually requires proof of receiving unemployment benefits) or if you are on AFDC. If so, present them with a copy of the letter of denial of credit, police report for fraud, unemployment benefits or AFDC benefits and you should get copy of your credit history free of charge.

    Otherwise, the current cost to obtain a copy of your credit history is $9.00.

    Federal Law now allows one free credit report a year. Due to the expected demand for requests, a clearing house with process and procedure is being created and implemented by regions of the country with expected compliance for the East coast by September 2005. 3-4-2005

  2. If you no longer have a credit card , you can have the bank that you bank with do it for you.  They should not charge you.

    Hope this helps
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