
Credit Score Ranges?

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Where can I find a chart that shows credit score ranges.. Whats the difference between the fico or whatever its called vs the vantage scoring which is letters.. A-F Could someone help me out here.. And do scores differ from each of the 3 companies(ie transunion,equafax)




  1. Listen to Spifman

  2. Overall, a FICO score of 650 (or above is a sign of very good credit, and a very good credit score). On the Vantage score you are just barely able to qualify for credit.

    As for the differences in scoring between FICO and Vantage systems, read the below web site. The comparisons are about half way down the page along with a formula to convert Vantage scores to FICO approximates.

    Vantage score table:

    901-990 equals "A" credit

    801-900 equals "B" credit

    701-800 equals "C" credit

    601-700 equals "D" credit

    501-600 equals "F" credit


    FICO scores range from about 300 to 900. Generally, the higher the score, the lower the credit risk. It's very difficult to say what's a "good" or "bad" score, though, since lenders have different standards for how much risk they will accept. "A credit score that one lender considers satisfactory may be regarded as unsatisfactory by other lenders for comparable credit instruments," says Fair, Isaac Senior VP Cheryl St. John.

  3. Here's a chart.

  4. The first poster is correct about the Vantage system but he is a little off on the FICO ranges.

    First of all FICO scores from 300 to 850 not 900 with anything that calculates to below a 300 defaulting to a 0.

    Per the largest credit union in Oklahoma FICO breaks down as follows;

    1. Elite 740 & up.

    2. Prime 700-739.

    3. Preferred 660-699.

    4. Standard 625-659.

    5. Sub-prime 624 & down.

    And as far as the three credit bureaus go they all have their own systems to calculate your score, I look at credit everyday and it's not uncommon to see a 100 point spread between the 3 bureaus. Part of this is because of the scoring system and part is because not all lenders report to all credit bureaus.

    As far as your score goes, you can see by the FICO breakdown you are in the top range so you should qualify for the best rates anywhere you go.
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