
Credit bureaus are mandated by federal law to correct reports?

by  |  earlier

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all 3 bureaus have told me they don't care what the federal law is, that I should sue them

if I care to. The bureaus won't remove

improperly typed SSN and birth dates.

What would you do?

the BBB and atty gen do not care.




  1. Many times it is extremely difficult to get the CRA's to follow the law.

    You might file a complaint with the FTC, include copies of all the disputes you had made and their responses to them. Also include copies of the complaints you had made to the BBB, the AG's, etc., and copies of any response you received from those complaints (if you received any)

    Then file another dispute with the CRA's and include a copy of your FTC complaint.

    The FTC does not do anything on an individual basis, they only get involved when they have a number of the same types of complaints.

    Even though FTC does not get involved on an individual basis, the CRA's do not like complaints filed against them because eventually it "will" reach the point where the FTC will step in and create a major headache for them.

    Because of that, the CRA's "usually" tend to do their job if they know an FTC complaint was filed.

  2. i hope you are in US.

    i am in India & i had a credit card for two years. on a deficiency in their services i opted out by settling the entire dues and enclosed the broken card along with the payment.

    but even after the settling the full amount i was recieiving futher statements showing new charges dated three weeks later. i refused pay stating that i have alredy sent the broken card and demanded for the charge slip authenticated by me.

    they never bothered and added further charges and statements sent to my adress with late payment fees and finance charges. this episode was going on for 15 months.

    meantime i have written to authorities and customer care and no response.

    they constantly harrassed me over telephone for payment.

    while explained the facts they said ok leave it. we will put your detils in the defaulters list in cibil ( credit information bureau of india ltd.)

    finally two days back i paid the amount demanded to escape from the credi bereau defalt listing though i am not liable to pay.

    because there is no no law to contest cibil by an aggrieved

    is it not atrocious?

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