
Credit card help pleaseee?

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i just turned 18 yesterday and i applied for student credit cards but im not getting approved what should i do




  1. Are you being rejected or you just havent heard back yet? Most of the card companies provide instant results, so I will venture to guess that you are being rejected. One of the best ways to get your foot in the door is a prepaid credit card. This means that you can establish a relationship with the credit card company without them assuming any risk. They can see your spending habits and will be more than happy to give you credit as soon as they are comfortable. There are a few at that might work for you. Good luck!

  2. To jump start your credit history you may want to get one of those department store credit cards. They are easy to get, though they may have a low credit limit. But at least you will have something on your file.

    If you have an established relationship with some bank where you've had your checking or savings account, you may want to talk to them about getting a credit card through their network. They may give you a secured credit account, meaning you will have to give them a deposit for the total of your approved credit limit. But soon enough, this account may turn into a real credit card.

    Check out also these sites: and They have prepaid, secured and student credit cards. Having a few options will help ;)

  3. I think that you should wait till after college if you are planning to go....they will start sending you applications like crazy and  you'll get approved then.   You probably don't need to start getting in debt already at you  working...what kind of income do you have?

  4. Just apply for a normal credit card and ask your parents to co-sign it.

  5. if you don't currently have a job, at least get one part-time, same thing with a checking account.  keep applying you'll eventually get one

    remember though that you will probably get one with a low limit and high interest rate so don't go over your limit and pay your balance off EVERY MONTH.  if you don't the interest rates and penalties will kill you.  credit cards are a great way to build credit but also a great way to get into debt. be careful

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