
Credit card issue with ex.....?

by  |  earlier

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I just checked my credit the other day and found out that my ex had opened a citi credit account in my name and his name. He added himself as a authorized user. He has used it but has been paying on it for the last 6 months or so. When I called I wanted to see if I could get him in trouble or something but they said all they could do was close it and then I would have to take him to small claims to get him to pay it. Because he had his own card and it would be a he said she said type of deal.

Is there anything I can do about this. I asked what address they had on file where they sent the cards but they wouldn't tell me that.




  1. did he apply online or by mail? If by mail than they most likely have a copy of the application and you can provide your signature and dispute the fraudulent account and possibly i.d theft. If it was online I would call and ask to speak with someone in reference to an account being opened without your knowledge. Then follow their steps. You can also dispute the account with the three bureaus by getting a copy of the reports and contacting them by the listings provided. You may also want to consider getting some type of credit monitoring to alert you of any changes to your report or new accounts being opened or see if you can get a new social security number.

  2. That is fraud.

    File a police report and that it to be bank. Then they should only go after him for the money.

    You should be able to freeze the account until it gets sorted.

    And you are most likely better paying back the money yourself and then taking him to court, for the money.

    Dont let some a$$hole **** your credit rating.

  3. you need to call citi fraud dept. Tell them you have a acct showing up and you never opened it. They will close it as fraud application/then they want you to turn it into the police. They will also do their investagation. He will have to pay the acct and possibly jail time.I work for citi in the fraud dept. Make sure when you call tell them you want transfered to the identity fraud dept.

  4. He commited fraud.  I am so sorry this had happened to you.I have been a victim of fraud.  Here is what you do.

    You contact the credit card company and mention to them that someone opened up a credit card with your name.  Ask them to close the account.  They will ask you if you want a new card.  They will ask you to sign an affidavit.

    Then, I would contact the police of where the purchases were made.  You might have to contact several police depts as the police had told me when I was a victim of fraud that the police don't work together on these things and I have to file a police report in each city/town etc of the occurance.  If it happened online, then I would contact the city/town of where your ex lives to start.

    Secondly,  I would contact the three credit reporting agencies.,, and

    Thirdly,  I would contact the Federal Trade Commission and file a report.  Their website is


    I would take him to small claims court.

  5. I agree that this is fraud. He may do it again and you will be mad at yourself if you don't cover your tail now. Don't let him sweet talk you. This is your future you are talking about.

  6. Check with state and local officials about filing charges for identity theft. I suspect the reason they told you that the only thing they could do was close it, was because they may have realized they're about to lose some money. If you didn't sign the initial application to get that credit card, it's not a "he said, she said" type of deal. It's theft.

  7. He comitted "Fraud" File a police report, and insist on filing an Identity theft report with CITI................If you don't you will be paying that bill some day.

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