
Credit check and employment?

by Guest65049  |  earlier

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Worried and nervous, PLEASE HELP!?

I was a young single mother who got way in over my head with credit. In a time frame of 2001-2003, I was extremely negligent. I am much more responsible with myself now. Unfortunately, bad credit does not come off over night. I am even putting myself into a financial slump by paying off all my bad debt. To me it is worth it though! I am paying for my carelessness with my bad credit everyday! My concern is that I recently got hired for a GREAT job. Everything a single mother could hope for. They are doing a background check. It is for an insurance job. I am working in the customer service dept. It pays AMAZING! I am not sure if they are doing a credit check with the background check. Should I talk to someone at my new job and risk opening a can of worms, or wait it out and see what happens and explain my poor decisions at that time if the need arises. I am so nervous because I dont know what to do. I need this job SO bad! Should I tell them or not? Please help.




  1. They have to have your explicit permission to check your credit score. It is usually given in a document that you sign when you apply/interview.

    If you do not remember signing a paper like that, then either they don't do it or you weren't paying attention.

    I'd not bring it up to them, but if they do a credit check, have a good story for why your credit is bad.

    Realistically though, if you have had good credit since 2003, your credit might not be as bad as you think. The stuff that matters the most is the last 24 months.

    Good luck!

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