
Credit history ??????????

by  |  earlier

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Me and my husband got together when we were 18 , both my parents had past away and his parents did really have room for one more so we moved out on our own and over the years have both built up some pretty bad credit on top of bad rental history now. We are now 23 and have a baby of our own and my husband makes really good money and I stay home but our past is literally haunting us !!! We are working on paying it all off but it is going to take us a couple of years to get back in a good situation. We are currently renting from a private owner but our lease is up in November and the land lord said he wants to sell the property so we have to start looking for a new place, personally we are happy cause the house is a POS and we pay a lot more than we should, but every house we have found so far has charges us for application fees and we have gotten turned down because of our rental history and credit , I just dont know where to look and how to go about this situation, I feel like we are stuck. Any ideas or thing I can do that I dont know about




  1. Contact your local HUD office and explain to them your situation.  If you meet income guidlines, you may qualify for assistance in finding housing.  Many landlords would rather accept HUD assistance because they know they will get paid and your credit history might not be a factor. You may have to pay a portion of the rent (in most states it is 1/3 total rent) but it gives you a chance to get back on your feet.

    Hope this answers your question.

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