
Credit issues and thinking about a secured credit card?

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I have made a lot of bad choices in my life and have fell on hard times before. I now want to clean everything up and live a better life. I am close to $30,000 in debt between credit cards, a repo on my car, evictions, bad checks, medical bills, and other c**p I have done in the past. I have thought about filing bankruptcy but I don't think that will help all my issues (like the evictions), so not sure if it is even a good option for me. The last time I started to clean up my credit I had an unsecured as well as a secured credit card and a loan for my car. I ended up being laid off and not having any savings. So I lost everything (including the apartment I was renting). Because of my decisions I lived in a homeless shelter for 3 months with my kids. I now have an ok job but live pay check to pay check. I always worry about what I would do if I had to move, due to credit issues and evictions it was hard enough to find this apartment.




  1. Wow, you really are in a mess.  There is hope.  I went through something similar and there is light at the end of the tunnel.  

    The first thing you need is what they call a "pre-paid debit card"  I used and that helped.  It does cost a few bucks in fees but it will get you away from cash and learn to start managing with a card.  It will also let you save up some money like a bank.  They will also take direct deposit.

    Next, you need to consult with a bankruptcy atourney.  You sound like a good case for a chapter 7.  You will need $500-$1,000 to get someone to do a decent job.  When you go to see them, you have got to have a detailed list of every single person you owe money to.  Even if you owe $20 to Aunt Jane, it goes in the paperwork.

    After your bankruptcy has been finaled, put some money down on a "secure credit card".  Charge no more than 10% of the limit and make your payment on time every month.  This will re-build your credit.  If you get a secure card for $300, you will never charge a balance of more than $30.  You may even pay it off every month so you never have to pay intrest on the balance.  Just keep charging the 10% of the limit and paying it off.  NEVER max it out.  Not even once!

    It is a common misconseption that if you have a collection on your credit report it will drop in 7 years.  that is NOT the case.  When a bill goes to collections it is stil considered an open and valid debt.  These will never go away.  It takes 7 years after it is closed.  That means 7 years after you paid them off or filed bankruptcy.

    Good luck!

  2. file for bankruptcy..whipe the slate clean and start afresh..learn from your past mistakes and move on with a clear concious...get yourself a debt card from wal-mart and put your money on it whenever you get paid or what used worrying yourself silly trying to pay all those people and not getting anywhere

  3. I'm sorry you've fallen on hard time but I'm also very impressed at how you've admitted to your wrongs and trying to make it right again.....awesome.

    What you need to do is start very organized and be diligent in repairing your credit...don't pay someone else to do it for you.

    Get copies of your credit reports from all 3're entitled to a free one each year. For their mailing addresses look on their websites:

    When you get them, make a photocopy and put them in a binder separate them by each credit bureau.

    Keep all correspondence from/to them in it. Get a highlighter and highlight all the accounts that are overdue/delinquent/collections etc....

    If there are any accounts that past the 7 year statue of limitation dispute them so they are taken off. As for the collection/overdue accounts get a letter of validation from the credit bureau NOT the creditor. Once you get the letters with the proper account #'s and $ amounts then get to work paying them off.

    Contact the creditors in writing and negotiate payment:

    1. In full

    2. If not in full negotiate a repayment plan

    3. Make sure you request a pay for delete option so it's taken off your report when you're done paying them.

    4. Only use money orders/drafts to pay and keep copies!

    5. If creditors start calling you send them a 'cease and dessist' letter that saying they can only contact you via mail.

    Save as much as you can while you're repaying your debts. It's a great idea to put money on a pre-paid's much more secure (just don't lose it)

    If you ever do have to move just rent a place from an individual rather than a building management party so they don't do credit checks and all that. Keep yourself and kids safe and it will all work out.

    Best of luck to you.

  4. I think it's great you are moving in the right direction. With your current credit score and the fact that you're wanting a card that will help improve your score, there are very few options in today's market.

    But there are options. The Eufora Elite is probably the best for you because it's guaranteed issue AND reports to the credit bureaus. See the link below for more information.

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