
Creepy, pushy guy won't leave me alone!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a facebook account. I have this guy who randomly added me through 2 of my friends who are his cousins. They said that he is the sweetest guy who is gentle and won't hurt a fly. So i accepted his add..

The next day he sent me a message saying hey whats up? Then a further 4 messages saying that he will wait for me to reply...and the last message...he asked me straight out for my number!!! I feel that he is just extremely pushy and waaaay too intense for my liking.

I don't know what to do because I am friends with his cousins and his mum...what can i say/do to get him off my back without offending my friends? Please help!!!!!




  1. mmmmmmmmm...

    you must be ugly.

    you're going completely overboard.

  2. Be honest with him.  Tell him that he is making you feel a bit uncomfortable and to give you some space...  

  3. Ignore him he will go away and you can just say you haven't checked the messages.

  4. IS being frends with this guys family worth the risk of this guy doing something crazy? If I were you I would kick him off your message list, maybe even change your account and address so he dont have it and if all else fails get a exparte order so he cant keep on buggin you and that will also make him more responsibale for his actions and give you some peace of mind!

  5. If you want to protect yourself, then people will get offended!

    Otherwise, you're a door mat.  Lay down some boundaries, girl!

    If you're worried about offending a stranger, you're just asking for "it".  Especially being on facebook.  Quit putting yourself "out there".

  6. lol xD kool :) id say go away, then i was say, plz, then id say i want a hungry man dinner :D

  7. Mace!

    If you are friends with his cousins and his mom, the next time you access your facebook account, do it from their house.

    Let him know and let them know how he is acting.

    This way he will either back off or when you tell him to back off they will understand.

    Marco, you are hilarious! lol That would work to!  :)

  8. Even though you dont want to sound horrible, if he is bothering you then you do need to tell him to back off.  And also, once you have done that, atleast he knows where he stands then too.

    Maybe you should just send him a 'jokey' type 'back-off' message.  I'd say something like 'oi quit with all the messages, they can get annoying after a while :P'

    And then if it bothers you that he might tell his cousins what you said, just go to them first and say 'look i had to say this to him because he kept sending me messages and he seemed a bit intense'

    I'm sure they'll understand, I would.

  9. Ask him for some advice on how to deal with you're weeping STD problem...

  10. Maybe it's the first time Mommy and Daddy have let him out of his cage.

  11. Answer him back by saying you don't want to respond to him until you get to know him better and to stop being pushy.

  12. Tell the cousins and his mother about this situation of the way he is behaving and hopefully they will talk to him through.  However, if he chose to deny it, block him as a friend.  Geez, that guy is a jerk to you.

  13. well, tell him cousins, or his mother, but, you never know if they are his cousins, Just block him, he may be dangerous.

  14. just dont answer his messages and say that you never received them... its always worked for me.

  15. Tell him you don't have a phone.

  16. Just remove him from your friends and/or block him. You don't have to say anything to your friends, and if they say something to you just tell them that you aren't interested.  That really is way too pushy, after all.

  17. just tell him that you dont give your number out to strangers and that thats.

    you dont HAVE to reply to his messages and you can delete him as a friend if he gets even weirder.

  18. Tell him you have a boyfriend and you are not interested. Then if he keeps on bothering you~ just delete him as a  friend. That simple!

  19. yeah, its better that you dont reply. if he keeps messaging you, delete him. if your cousins are all "bobby(or whatever) says you havent replied to his messages!" say, "he's a little too pushy, asking for my number and stuff so i dont want to talk to him." if they love you (which they should, you're their cousin) they'll side with you. but dont tell them about him unless they bring it up.

  20. Tell him you have a boyfriend who is jealous and doesn't feel comfortable with him hitting on you through Facebook. Or just say, sorry but I'm not interested and hopefully he will leave you alone!  

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