
Creepy? What do you guys make of this?

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I honestly think that's the creepiest thing I've read in a very long time, maybe even one of the most. I mean it's one thing if someone hangs themselves, but it's like a chain reaction of people hanging themselves. Friends, family. I wonder why..

I'm not sure wether to chalk it up to some sort of pubescent mob mentality, some kind of cult, chemical imbalances due to air food or water contamination, or just good old fashioned contagious mental illness.

What do you guys think of this?




  1. regional temporary "spikes" in the suicide rate occur frequently throughout different regions of the country and this years "spike" in Wales is by no means the worst.

    The magazine appears to attempt to sensationalise or point responsibility to an Internet networking site that a small number of the suicide cases visited.

    An enquiry concluded that Internet use played no part in influencing youngsters to commit suicide.

    Some people suggest that the media hype may have contributed to the higher suicide rate by over reporting and bringing the problem to the attention of other kids who were already vulnerable and needed help. The last thing that a severely depressed youngster needs to hear is how easy is the option for other young people to take their own life or that some may have done so in a nearby community.

    Hearing about it means that the vulnerable youngster therefore has less resistance to the idea of taking his/her own life, it seems normal because for a short time it appeared in the local media so often and in such big type on the front page.

    I want to reassue you that it is not as spooky as it seems and that these periodic upward "spikes" in the number of localised regional suicides do happen from time to time.

  2. It's very tragic. Maybe they see life as not being that important. A choice that I can make that seemed so easily to dismiss life.

  3. Kids. What are we going to do with them?

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