
Creepy dream, does it mean anything?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i had a really long dream the other night, and i'm good at remembering my dreams and i wrote it all down, and i know that your dreams are supposed to have some meaning, but this dream what plain weird.

my dream: ok so i'm trying to skateboard with a skateboard under each foot. and then i'm suddenly at this girl i knows house with all her friends (i don't really talk to any of them), and then i'm driving with my mom and brother and we go to some place where all these houses are. and then i'm in a restaurant with my mom and her date? and they are talking and stuff. then my mom left to go to the bathroom so i was alone with her "date" and then from behind me this tall blonde man, i've never seen before who was standing behind our table reaches over and put his hand on my head and started to slowly move it in circular motions (no, my head wasn't turning 360) it was wierd cause it felt like i was getting tired as he did it. then i was driving in the car with my dad to stay at his in-laws house, and it was huge and very nicely decorated, and i woke up.

mean anything? or any parts of this




  1. You are trying to move forward in your life.  (skateboard,driving)  You are determined and the blond man is 'turning your head' which could mean something is distracting you.  You mention mom and dad and being separate.  You may have work to do on  getting your feelings about them straightened out.  Give it a go and talk to a trusted adult if you can't talk to your parents about your feelings.

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