
Creepy middle-aged/old guy staring at me in a restaurant...?

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This man about 50-60 years old stared at me the entire time I was at the restaurant... even when I was there with my MOM and her friends. They didn't see of course. I was really uncomfortable so I stared back meanly several times. He looked away, but continued staring at me when I looked away.

What would you have done, and how could you get them to stop f*cking staring at you? It's annoying as h**l.




  1. Mention something to the waiter or the manager of the restaurant.  You don't have to just sit there and take it.  Tell your mom and her friends too.  This creep is counting on your being ashamed and too shy to speak up.  He thinks he can get away with being a creep.  Guys like this can't stand up against being in the spotlight for their behavior.  If everyone starts watching him, my guess is he'll go away.

  2. First of all, looking is just that -- looking.

    Second, you have to understand that men are often attracted to women that look feminine. By definition, youth is feminine -- innoncent, gracile, soft skin and complexion, etc. So it's normal for an older man to find a much younger women attractive, even if they have no intention to ever do anything or if it's clear that a relationship not even remotely possible. Again, looking is just looking.

    I suppose you should find this flattering, even though I can understand why you don't like it. But you see, you can't stop someone from looking. Just a fact of life I guess.

    EDIT -- looking at someone in a restaurant in neither pedophilia or stalking. Come on, that was a retarded comment whoever made it..

  3. Wear a more modest outfit or show him the steak knife

  4. Men look at women. You can't stop them. Just ignore them if you're not interested.

  5. Dear Love Bean,

    Staring is just plain rude! there are no ifs ands or buts , its just rude. And no, you were not wearing anything that said "LOOK AT ME" . So you could of told your mother and moved so that he wouldn't get an eye full.

    Hope this helps.

    CHARLES, I love the phrase "manky old letcher" I will try and use this one today.  CHEERS!

  6. Say "Oi, you old git, want to have a photo, it will last longer!" You ought to have let your family know. One would have probably had a word with him or the management. The behaviour is not acceptable and he may have been a dangerous, manky old letcher.  

  7. Maybe you were being a rude little snot, like you are when asking this question.  He was probably waiting for your mother to correct your poor manners.  

    Or...perhaps he was looking at your mom and her friends.  Yaknow, older women can be attractive too.  ;)

  8. I would've told my mom thAt he is staring at me, than she would tell him to stop staring at me or she will call the police or something for stalking me or being a pedophile.

  9. Go to the restaurant alone now and then until you see him again.  Go to the manager and report him.  If the manager takes his side, poo-pooing your discomfort, tell him your mother and her friends came here often and will stop if he doesn't get real.

  10. I've always thought I must be staring if I know that someone is staring at me.....but that's just me.......

  11. Ask a waiter to get someone to give him a talking to. You have the right to a peaceful and comfortable meal.

  12. Sorry I'll stop it.

  13. if it was that bad you should have told your mom or you should have moved so he could only see your back. or switch places with mom or your friends. he old he knows he could get in trouble for trying to mess with you. he a dirty old man. OR you could look like someone that he thought he knew.

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