
Creepy teacher. Please help!?

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I already asked this beffore, but I have more stuff to tell, so bear with me.

I have this teacher that is always STARING at me. In the halls, during class, ect. He just creeps me out.I dont understand cause im not even that pretty. I dont dress like a ****. My b*****s arent that big (smallish to Average sized i'd say). There are plenty of gorgious other girls in the class. Why is is staring at me?

also, today he gave us a seating chart. He clearly had a boy girl boy girl pattern going, but when he got to my name, he broke the pattern to put me up front. Then he went back to girl boy girl boy.

Today he asked me if I knew what molestar in spanish meant. I think I blushed or something cause he laughed at me. But I looked it up later and it means "to bother". But still....

I dont know what to do cause he hasnt really done anything wrong. Just creeped me out. And I dont want to talk directly to him cause I dont want to be in a one on one situation.

If it means anything, I think hes in his late 20s




  1. Okay, so theres different teachers.

    You get:

    The moany teacher

    The somewhat nice teacher

    The perverted teacher

    The downright ugly teacher.

    The scary teacher

    The grumpy teacher

    And the frumpy teacher.

    They're all horrible in a way, even the somewhat nice ones.

  2. You should go to your principal or counselor and tell them what is going on and that you would like to be transferred to another class.  

  3. I had the same problem last year with my English teacher so I can really relate to you.

    What I did was first and foremost, I ignored him. Anytime he asked me anything that did not pertain to school or the lesson. I did not react to anything he said that could be taken as inappropriate in anyway.

    If it gets worst, GO TO YOUR COUNSELOR!! Ask to talk to a female counselor and tell her "Look, I don't want to get this guy in trouble but I do not feel comfortable in that class and it is not fair that I feel this way in a place where I'm supposed to feel welcomed and safe. He is saying inappropriate things to me and I feel extremely vulnerable what with him being my teacher and whatnot. If the school cannot do something about this and switch me out of this class, I will not return to that class and I will get my parents involved."

    And make sure you tell your parents. If your counselor does nothing, have your parents lodge a formal complaint against the teacher.

    It worked out in the end for me with my creepy teacher with me telling him off but I get the feeling you wouldn't want to do that so please listen to me. I really hope everything works out for you as well.

  4. You are right to not be one on one with him, keep it that way, please!

    If he does anything else out of the ordinary I would speak to your principal right away or your parents, anyone that can do something about it.

    I don't think it matters how "pretty" you think you are, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I had a creepy teacher once, I just made sure I was never alone with him.

    Take Care

  5. take it as a compliment

  6. If it is bothering you speak to the school counselor (I  hope at least one counselor is a woman)  you might want to say right up front that you are not trying to get him "in trouble" but it is bothering you.  You should also tell your parents so it will not be a surprise to you.  I hope this works out ok for everyone.  You should not have to put up with this for a whole school year.

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