
Cremation adds to global warming and should be banned?

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This is the hare brained idea of some mad scientist who obviously has not got his brain in gear. If cremation was banned forever it would not change anything in the world. The one volcano eruption the other day created more global warming than everything man contributes in a year. Also, when bodies breakdown naturally they release gases into the atmosphere or soil that will be released at some time to add to global warming. Environmental preservation is one thing these ideas just bring the whole green lobby into disrepute. Do you agree?




  1. Such an idea doesn't bring 'the whole green lobby into disrepute.' It's an interesting idea, and certainly one to consider. However what must also be considered is that if cremation is banned, where are we going to bury our dead? With land at a premium, and many cemetaries already unable to take on 'new customers', cremation is increasingly necessary. In an ideal world everyone would be able to choose how they were to be laid to rest, but this idea is worth exploring further, because we want to leave a healthy world to our children's children, don't we?

  2. I am waiting for them to outlaw Taco Bell for its deleterious effect on the atmosphere.

  3. Don't worry the local council are going to give us yet another recycling bin for our 'dead' to go with the newspaper, green and black bin and the plastic bin!!!

  4. I would like to know who pays these morons.

  5. i disagree because shouldn't someone last dying wish be granted? i think its wrong to deny them want they want for their body.

  6. I agree. The problem is that they smoke too much cannabis so that their brains don't work properly. Their smoking also contributes to global warming and should be banned.

  7. What a redculous warming by anything cremation  saves on space..why take up space by being buried..the world is crowded enough...and funerals cost too much!

  8. Simple answer, No. Cremation, I thought was actually environmentally friendly. Anyway, I've done lots of research and I believe the this global warming "hysteria" is a big conspiracy.

  9. Well, if we weren't creamating bodies, what would we do with them? Most cemetaries are full to overflow already. Soylent green, anyone?

  10. aeroplanes are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse for the enviroment. the most damaging apparently. even for flwing over exports from other places. and cruises damage and kill coral in the ocean and kill sea life. co2 from computers, t.vs, tumble dryers make holes in the o-zone layer making this place hotter and creatng "natural disasters"... just work on those for now.

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