
Crested Gecko, broken leg?

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About a month ago i rescued a crested gecko from the local pet store, and it had terrible MBD. i wasn't sure if she would revive, but in the last month she's gained healthy weight and no longer shows any signs of MBD except her back left leg.

here is a link to a movie of her walking on it, it's in the last 20 seconds or so;

i was sure before it was a symptom of the bone disease, but since everything else has cleared up, and this hasn't, i'm not so sure what to do.

i am planning to take her to x-rays in the next week, but i was wondering if anyone else has been through this and what they did for it? i've heard people making splints for them, but i'm too scared i would set the bone wrong on my own.

she moves around alot on it, climbs find and what not. but the joint bends backwards awkwardly as you can see in the video. and the "thigh" mucscle has become inflamed. though there is no odd colouring to suggest bruising.

any ideas? thank you!!




  1. vet

  2. If it had terrible MBD, I highly doubt one month is enough to "cure" the gecko, severe cases of MBD can take upwards of 6 months to get rid of.  How have you been treating it?  What are your temps, substrate, etc?  Give us a list of your everyday husbandry, it helps a lot.  You can make a splint for them, but you have to be very precise, and if the MBD isn't fully treated, it'll just come back.  What your gecko probably has, is Fibrous Osteodystrophy, which is a replacement of bone calcium by cartilage, which would explain the extreme bending of the joint and phalanges.

  3. Most likely she suffered a fracture...common with MBD.  They are usually left to heal on their own as splinting these guys is near impossible.  She is using the leg, so apparently there is no permanent nerve damage.  It may never look perfect, but she should be able to do just fine.  A good check up is important with an experienced herp vet.  Good for you for doing such a good job with her!

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