
Crested gecko help!!!!!!!!

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he gets SO stressed when I handle him. I got him about a week ago I just picked him up about 20 seconds ago and he peed on me, when I put him back in his tank he let out a huge t**d and peed more. I think I'm gonna refrain from handling him while he's sleeping in his leaves. what is a good way to get him used to my hand?! HELP!!




  1. it'll probably take a few months but it will settle down just be patient handle every other day or so and it will calm down eventually  

  2. when taming any reptile you can be subject to getting peed on.  That's a defense.  When you first pick up the gecko do it smoothly.  No jerky motions.  Try run him onto one hand by herding him with the other.  Bring your hands to a cup.  Keep your hands cupped together over the lizard and close to your body until it calms.  Your hand/body warmth should have a calming effect.  Lizards also tire quickly.  When hold it flat in your palm or against you chest with one hand over it.  Slowly lift you hand away and let the lizard crawl on you.  Gently stroke or petting the lizard will help.  Do this several times a week and it should tame.

  3. A few minutes a day of gentle handling.  They will eventually get used to it though I don't think they every "enjoy" it.  Just don't overdo it in the beginning.  

  4. Geckos are one of the worst reptiles to have because they are very easily stressed and evil if not handled many many times.

    Geckos can't identify you, they just think you are something trying to kill them.

    Take it out of the habitat and let it be on you or near you for awhile. Maybe on your bed. I do that for my beardie.

    But the geckos at work are pains b/c same kind of thing

  5. I completley disagree with Kim L geckos tolerate handling extremely well, especially crested geckos.  This is your first time handling he may think your a predator, and got scared, you have to handle him very gently and he will get use to you, try feed him a wax worm by hand, wax worms are high in fat and should only be used as a treat.  And that possibly could be vomit from when he was stressed/scared.  Just give him some time.  My crested gecko was very jumpy when i first got him but now he will stay on my hand until i move him.

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