
Crew! 2k advice...?

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Crew! 2k advice...?




  1. When you say Crew ....I hope you mean ROWING....if you don't ...then don't read any further.

    I used to row for 3 1/2 years I guess I could give you some advice.

    Make sure you are fully hydrated....I can't stress that enough!!!

    Before you start you might want to find someone to cox you through the erg piece.....I personally always did better if I had someone yelling modivations at me.  


    *Give me 10 hard strokes for ...(who ever)

    *Your racing home and your almost there!!!

    *The boat next to us is about to pass...I want you to turn up the power!!!

    P.S. Try to avoid someone with an annoying voice cox's simply the worst!!!  ...but who knows they ...could modivate you to push harder so you can strangle them at the end...(mentally of course...mentally strangle...ha ha)

    1. I like to begin my erg piece with a race quarter, half, three-quarter, three-quarter, three-quarter, and full ...(slide)

    2. Try to find a steady rythmn....I like my stroke rate around 27 or higher.

    "Push with the legs....pull with the arms....and then ease up on the recovery."  ----my coach used to say that

    3. The last 500 meters is where you want to step on the gas.  "I mean ....really push hard."

    ...when you finsh don't forget to keep moving up and down the slide until your heart rate goes down.

    I haven't been rowing for about 2 years now....because I found something I couldn't live martial arts...I love it!! I'm addicted!!! I'm currently taking Hawaiian Kenpo (purple belt w/ blue stripe)  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ( blue belt)

    ...There isn't a day that passes that I don't miss getting to go out on the water and be part of a team.  

    (rowing is like riding a bike just never forget)

    I hope what I've said will be of some help to you!!!!


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